When The Judges Ruled Israel Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 Gideon achieved a great victory over Midian Yet, there were events that occurred afterwards that dampened this victory Some on the part of Gideon’s brethren Some on the part of outsiders Some on the part of Gideon himself
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The Ephraimites vv. 1-3 They vigorously complained they had been under-utilized in the battle v. 1 7:24-25 Gideon replied effectively & tactfully vv. 2-3 Their “gleanings” (capturing Oreb & Zeeb) was as, if not more, important than Gideon’s “vintage” (initial slaughtering) 7:19-23
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The Ephraimites vv. 1-3 Gideon was successful in calming them down Notice again who got the credit…God v. 3 Sometimes keeping peace on our side more challenging than defeating the enemy Whatever individual part is played is not relevant 1 Cor 1:11-13 12:6, 11, 14-27 Rom 12:3-16
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The Gadites vv. 4-17 Still pursuing the Midianites, Gideon asked for provisions from Succoth & Penuel vv. 4-5, 8 They refused…they feared a Midianite reprisal if they helped more than they had confidence in Gideon vv. 6, 8b
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The Gadites vv. 4-17 Unmoved, Gideon promised when he returned from defeating the Midianites he would punish both Succoth & Penuel Gideon viewed their words of refusal to help him & his men as a “taunt” v. 15 They displayed no faith in Gideon
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The Gadites vv. 4-17 Gideon was chasing Zebah & Zalmunna (Midianite kings) and 15,000 troops with them 120,000 Midianites had already been slain He captured these 2 kings and routed the remainder of their forces vv. 11-12
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The Gadites vv. 4-17 After capturing Zebah & Zalmunna, Gideon kept his word and severely disciplined the men of Succoth & Penuel vv. 13-17 Since these 2 cities sided with and acted like the enemy, Gideon would treat them like the enemy v. 15 A justified expectation of others to help brethren involved in the Lord’s work. POINT:
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 Zebah & Zalmunna vv. 18-21 Gideon questioned them re: the men they had slain at Tabor v. 18 They responded they were similar to him… “each one resembling the son of a king” Gideon indicated those who had been slain were his brothers on his mother’s side v. 19
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 Zebah & Zalmunna vv. 18-21 Gideon also said he would have been willing to let them live if they had shown the same to his brothers Gideon told his eldest son Jether to kill them Jether refused…he was too afraid in his “youth” v. 20
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 Zebah & Zalmunna vv. 18-21 These 2 Midianite kings challenged Gideon to kill them himself…“for as the man is, so is his strength” v. 21a Gideon killed them…he also took as spoil the crescent ornaments worn on their camels v. 21b
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The men of Israel vv. 22-28 They asked Gideon to “rule” (be a king?) They were even willing to let him create his own “dynasty” (sons & grandsons) Gideon refused…he told them the Lord was already their ruler vv. 22-23
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The men of Israel vv. 22-28 However, Gideon did request each man to contribute 1 gold earring from his spoil They readily agreed…the weight of the gold totaled 1,700 shekels of gold vv. 24-26
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The men of Israel vv. 22-28 Gideon used the gold to make an ephod… the ephod became an idol in Israel and a snare to Gideon & his house v. 27 A sad reality…often, something is carried too far and becomes harmful 2 Kings 18:4
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 The men of Israel vv. 22-28 Gideon brought “rest” to the land following his subjugation of Midian v. 28 Israel would “rest” undisturbed for 40 years in the days of Gideon
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 Gideon’s last days vv. 29-32 He spent his last days at his home He was a polygamist…he fathered 70 sons He had concubines…one son by a concubine in Shechem was named Abimelech
Abimelech His name means “My father is king” cp. 8:22-23 Another possible translation = “Father of a king” (could Gideon have envisioned his future actions?) He would be the “non-judge ruler” Judg 9 (he was a scoundrel)
After Gideon’s Victory Judg 8:1-35 Following Gideon’s death vv. 33-35 After he died, Israel was unfaithful…they turned again to the Baals v. 33 2:19 Once again, they forgot God v. 34 Furthermore, they forgot all the good done for them by Gideon…they did not show kindness to his house that remained v. 35
Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Barak Gideon