Introduction: The village Mangi of Karmala Tahsil in Solapur District is one of the drought affected villages in the state. It shows all the characteristic features of the drought conditions. Very low agricultural output with high degree of uncertainty has affected the process of capital formation. The region is suffering from scarcity of water for both agriculture and domestic use.
The Study Area:
Objectives: The Major objectives of the study have been outlined as below: To study the physiographic set up at micro level. To study the market prices of agricultural products. To increase economical condition of farmers. To apply suitable methods to evolve cost effective cropping pattern based on available land, soil and water resources To suggest a strategy for sustainable agricultural development based on optimal use of water for each micro region.
Comparing study between Canal Irrigation systems and Pipeline with Drip Irrigation System are as follows. Sr. No. Canal Irrigation systems Pipeline with Drip Irrigation System 1 30% evaporation because of open water 0% evaporation because of close water 2 10% Percolation of water 0% percolation 3 Lot of soils erosion No soils erosion 4 Lost of farmers time Save the farmers time 5 Again and again expenditure One time investment 6 Some land occupied for banks No need 7 Protection is less by traditional methods Protection is increases by modern method for irrigation 8 It is costly for pesticides and fertilizers. Some pesticides and fertilizers can gave to distribute by centralized system through drip irrigation 9 24 hours no water in canal 24 haours water should be available in drip irrigation system. 10 No good cultivation Cultivation is good and highly 11 Lot of water waste No water waste.
1. The Central Market System: Methodology : 1. The Central Market System: A Central Market should be the main wholesale fresh fruits and vegetable market serving of same cities i.e. Pune Central Market provide an efficient an effective wholesale marketing distribution hub ensuring consumers will have ready access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
2. The Central Employment System: The Stall system The Stall Holders Fruits and Vegetables purchased on farm places The Fruits and Vegetables distribution by low medium and high quality. To develop transport system To Develop Irrigation Central Control. To develop all type of systems.
3. Cropping Pattern: There needs to visit and survey the concerned farmers. The requirement of nutrients, probable pest attacks and preventive measures, selection of seed variety etc. will be understood by conducting brain storming sessions with experts in the field.
Suggested Cropping Pattern Sr No Crop Area in hect Emp / Hect. Total Emp. Requ. Water /Hect. Total Water (mh) Benefit (Rs) 1 Bajara Irri 60 52 3120 0.45 27 523.2 31392 2 Bajara Uni 80 4160 36 876 70080 3 Jowar K 76 152 0.825 1.65 5140 10280 4 Jowar Uni 905 98 88690 0.525 475.125 3588.5 3247593 5 Jowar Irri 75 105 7875 39.375 208.8 165660 6 Wheat 118 69 8142 61.95 10345 1220710 7 Maize 22 1320 411.55 24693 8 Mug 30 1560 0.35 10.5 2301.8 69054 9 Mataki 46 -963.25 10 Hulga 38 -720 11 Gram 125 28 3500 43.75 3265.4 408175 12 Tur 2.6 94 244.4 0.91 6591.9 17138.94 13 Jawas 93 855 14 Kardai 320 31 9920 112 -826.55 -264496 15 Til 3979 16 Sunflower 271 5962 94.85 8120.2 2200574 17 Vegetable 89 294 26166 1.125 100.125 13957.2 1242191 18 Onion 92 1380 1.275 19.125 21814.3 327214.5 19 Sugarcane 79.6 422 33591.2 4.05 322.38 20420.2 1625451 20 Groundnut 96 192 1.05 2.1 32074.4 64148.8 21 Fruits 26 546 4.805 100.905 7895.3 165801.3 Other 26.3 7732.2 29.5875 4110 108093 2281.5 2124 204253 20.33 1504.33 145968 10733753 Available Water 1505.5 Total Benefit (Rs.) 167507.3
Reduce crops, sugarcane and onion. Increase Wheat, jowar, pulses like gram Increase Vegetables suitable in the area are brinjal, tomato, lady's finger, garlic etc. Oilseeds are suitable in the area are sunflower and groundnut etc. If area under sugarcane is reduced by one hectare the same area can be under the crops like hybrid jowar, bajara, pulses, maize in kharip season, jowar, wheat, gram, sunflower etc. in rabi season and maize, vegetables etc. in summer season under irrigation. This logic forms the base for suggesting new cropping pattern.