제6회 나사렛대학교 총장배 어린이영어 경시대회 4~6학년 (노래, 구연동화, 말하기) 2015년 11월 28일(토)
4~6학년(노래) 제목: Going to the Zoo (1절만) www.kornu.ac.kr Daddy's Taking Us To The Zoo Tomorrow Zoo Tomorrow Zoo Tomorrow And We Can Stay All Day We're Going To The Zoo Zoo Zoo How About You You You You Can Come Too Too Too See The Elephant With The Long Trunk Swinging Great Big Ears And A Long Trunk Swinging Snuffing Up Peanuts With A Long Trunk Swinging And We Can Stay All Day 동영상 주소: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=VP3oFTkFE5E www.kornu.ac.kr
1~3학년(구연동화) 제목: Amelia Bedelia and the Baby www.kornu.ac.kr “But Mrs. Rogers,”said Amelia Bedelia. “I don’t know a thing about babies. How can I babysit?” “Why, Amelia Bedelia!”said Mrs. Rogers. “You are very good with children.” “Yes," said Amelia Bedelia. “I get along fine with children.” “Babies are children, too," said Mrs. Rogers. “If you say so,” said Amelia Bedelia. “Now you run along,” said Mrs. Rogers. www.kornu.ac.kr
“Mrs. Lane is waiting. ” So Amelia Bedelia ran to Mrs. Lane’s house “Mrs. Lane is waiting.” So Amelia Bedelia ran to Mrs. Lane’s house. She knocked on the door. “Do come in,”said Mrs. Lane. “I’m already late.” “Here is your list. I hope I didn’t forget anything. But you will know what to do.” By Peggy Parish www.kornu.ac.kr
4~6학년(말하기) www.kornu.ac.kr 제목: Dolphins! There are many amazing stories about dolphins and people. People have liked dolphins for thousands of years. Ancient artists liked to draw and paint dolphins. Dolphins seem to like us too. Some dolphins come close to shore. Dolphins spend their whole lives in water. But they are not fish. Fish can breathe in water. Dolphins cannot. Dolphins are mammals, like us. They breathe through a hole on top of their heads. By Sharon Bokoske www.kornu.ac.kr