Rule of the Day Never leave your seat when the teacher is talking! #1. When in the classroom stay seated unless you have permission to get out of your seat. You will receive permission to leave your seat by raising your hand and asking for permission. Never leave your seat when the teacher is talking!
3. When talking to your classmates use an inside voice. Rule of the Day #2. When in the classroom follow the following protocol when talking to your classmates. 1.Do not talk to your classmates when the teacher is giving instruction 2. Do not talk to your classmates who are not seated next to you or at your table. 3. When talking to your classmates use an inside voice.
Rule of the Day When you come into the room: Enter the room quietly #3 When you come into the room: Enter the room quietly Walk directly to your seat Start on the warm up
Rule of the day # 4. When transitioning from Quick Write to Stop, Drop, & Copy, or any trasition, this should be a quiet transition. You know what is coming next- get ready and prepare- don’t talk to the person next to you! Be on task!
Rule of the Day #5. When you are inside a classroom refrain from loud, hysterical laughing and giggling.
Rule of the Day #6. When in a classroom wait until he/she is finished speaking before raising your hand to ask a question. Be respectful if others are speaking- listen!
Rule of the Day #7.When responding to an adult, answer by saying, “Yes, ma’am” or No, sir’ or Use their name.
Rule of the Day #8.Whenever you are using papers, gluesticks, scissors, tape, pick up after yourself when you are finished.
Rule of the Day #9. When walking as a class at McClure walk in a single file line two to three feet behind the person in front of you. Walk quietly and do not disturb others.
Rule of the Day #10. This semester, papers will be considered late if they are not handed in on the day they are due. 20% will be deducted from your grade. After one week- if you have not handed it in- it will become a zero.
Specifics Getting Ready in the Morning: a. Pencils sharpened b. Come to class with your novel c. May not go back to your locker (have to use an emergency pass – these can be used up quickly!) d. Complete your homework e. Come ready to learn
Come ready to learn Bring a water bottle-stay hydrated- it helps you learn Fourth period may bring a healthy snack
If you are absent…. See the “While you were Out” folder And Remember: If you were absent one day, you have one day to make it up. If it was an extended absence, I will work with you. Please check the blog!
If you are absent… Study Buddies Write down a phone number and an email for two students in this class -write them in your agenda -add them to your phone
When you arrive in class…. 1. Stop, Drop, & Copy- Blog will be up, homework will be on board 2. After completing this, agendas on corner of desk, look at daily agenda on Smart Board. (you do not have to copy this) 3. Come to class with pencils sharpened, novels in class- do not leave them in your locker 4. Bring your independent reading book- in case we have extra time to read
If you have to leave class… Try to use the restroom the first 5 minutes or the last 5 minutes of class. If I am giving instructions, use good judgment and wait until an appropriate time to ask. (if it is an emergency-please ask!)
Agendas/homework/classwork 1.You are expected to fill out your agenda daily I will be checking it periodically 2. Check the blog!!! (cannot email me through the blog) 3. Must email me at: 4. Turn in homework/classwork to me. (no baskets).
Substitutes Misbehavior will be dealt with – serious consequences- names given to administration Behavior cards will be marked!
Taking Care of the Classroom My desk- off limits- unless I give you permission. Books- We take care of them!- If I see them left on the floor constantly, of left in other classroom, or returned in poor condition, you lose the privilege of checking them out. Remember to clean up after yourself after class
How to check out a book 1.Remove the card from the back of the book 2. Write your full name and the date you check it out 3. Put the card in the black box behind the letter of your last name 4. When returning the book, show it to the class librarian, who will cross off your name on the card, and help you check it back in. be sure to put the card back in the book.
Class Jobs Class Librarian Time Keeper Paper Passer Class Log (2)