COMSATS UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD Department of Meteorology Weather forecast of Islamabad for next 24 hours Cloudy weather is expected with chances of rain and thunderstorm during the period. Expected Temperature Range (C) Maximum Temperature: 28-30 Minimum Temperature: 18-20 Present Synoptic Situation Infra-red satellite image is showing some patches of low level clouds (base height less than 2000 meters) over Islamabad. One of the major reasons is presence of cyclonic winds at both 850 hPa and 700 hPa pressure levels that are approaching the city from south-west direction. These winds are part of a trough of a low pressure area located over Baluchistan that would intensify later. Valid till 05:00 p.m. (06-04-19) Prepared by: Dr. REHAN AHMED Note: This weather forecast is generated by an expert of this department, who is employing freely available online resources and his expertise in the field of weather forecasting to generate this forecast. This weather forecast is for information and educational purposes only and it cannot be referred in any legal proceedings.