Print and Journalism
Ramses at Kadesh
Town crier
What is news?
What is news? Reports of current events? What is a report? What does “current” mean? What is an event? Looks really fuzzy, doesn’t it? 9
Criteria for Newsworthiness Timeliness Proximity Prominence Consequence Rarity Human interest 10
The Sun
The New York World
New York Journal
Canons of Journalism and Statement of Principles – 1923 “The right of a newspaper to attract and hold readers is restricted by nothing but considerations of public welfare.” The beginnings of the modern ideal of journalism: be objective, don’t be sensationalistic, operate for the public good
Problems with Objectivity Not everyone agrees on what is objective Concept of objectivity can be taken too far Ignoring context Not making judgment calls
How newspapers present the news Inverted pyramid Basics of the story in the first paragraph Ensuing paragraphs provide more details Feature style Written as stories with exposition, problem, crises and complications and a climax People in the story presented as characters
Use Inverted pyramid Feature writing Hard news and news shorts Magazine news stories Television news stories Newspaper articles and columns
Newspapers are print media Reading is an intellectual exercise More in-depth coverage than other media because they have the space and time