Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the household isolates from core SNPs Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the household isolates from core SNPs. A phylogeny was constructed based on core SNP differences between each isolate and the reference genome of N. meningitidis NZ-05/33 (NC_017518.1). Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the household isolates from core SNPs. A phylogeny was constructed based on core SNP differences between each isolate and the reference genome of N. meningitidis NZ-05/33 (NC_017518.1). A proportional cladogram is presented so that short branches are visible. Branches with greater than 90% (200× bootstrap) support are highlighted in red. Isolates from the same household are shown in the same color. Two ovals indicate the sequence types of the isolates within the two major branches. Isolate NZCM148 from household NZ96/294 belongs to a different clonal complex. Xiaoyun Ren et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00127-17