EU Water Balances: State of play, value added and follow-up


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Presentation transcript:

EU Water Balances: State of play, value added and follow-up WFD-CIS-SCG Meeting, 22/3/2012 Jacques Delsalle, European Commission, DG Environment

Today… What are EU Water Balances (at sub-catchment level with monthly resolution) ? Why do we need them? What is in the pipeline? What could be options for the medium term?

What are EU Water Balances What are EU Water Balances? (at sub-catchment level with monthly resolution) Sub-catchment level Exchanges between the different components of the physical and economic worlds UN SEEA-W Methodology

Why do we need them? Support to EU-wide impact assessment tools (base year water availability and use) Production of water exploitation, consumption, efficiency indicators Ecosystem services accounting Cost-effective production of data required under ESTAT/OECD questionnaires, SoE#3, etc. Identify gaps / ensure consistent assessment of water resources accross the EU

What is in the pipeline? Lessons learned from 2011-12 process Data gaps Need for stronger involvement Member States and stakeholders Tests at river basin level Open calls for tender Completion water balance and assessment follow-up options Geolocalised database of water use in cooling processes New grants for testing at river basin level

What could be the options for the medium term? Source data Balance model Water accounts tables and indicators Consistency check Ensure availability & interoperability EU Balance model

To conclude Water balances are an key component of the knowledge base to be improved at all levels Beyond water policy implementation: Europe 2020 CIS implication in the development of EU tools is essential Need to involves data management, hydrologics, economics and planning expertises Link with reporting/statistics processes Interoperability & cost-effectiveness!

Thank you!