Socratic Seminar 10-19-16
What is a Socratic Seminar? Open forum to discuss movie/text Not a debate Platform to share ideas/converse freely There are no “right/wrong” answers You will be an active participant and observer during seminar Completed focused notes from movie are necessary
Observe/Evaluate inner circle partner. Classroom Set-up INSIDE Circle Actively participate in discussion while referencing notes or previous comments. Outside Circle Observe/Evaluate inner circle partner. Hot Seat (Optional) -Empty Seat -Back row student can pop in and make a comment and go back to the back row.
Mark the text (quick reference 5.5)
How do we improve the school climate at RVMS? ESSENTIAL QUESTION?? How do we improve the school climate at RVMS?
Expectations During Movie Watch “Bullied” movie quietly. Have pen/pencil, binder and notes sheet on your lap. Take notes on topics provided. Stay Focused. Seminar will follow movie. Please fill in essential question on notes template now.
Pair Share Discuss the movie and/or article What are your thoughts on bullying? Relate the movie/article to RVMS Shake our sillies out….
Observe/Evaluate inner circle partner. Classroom Set-up INSIDE Circle Actively participate in discussion while referencing notes or previous comments. Outside Circle Observe/Evaluate inner circle partner. Hot Seat (Optional) -Empty Seat -Back row student can pop in and make a comment and go back to the back row.
Norms For Socratic Seminar Listen carefully Speak Clearly. One person at a time. No interrupting Participate Don’t dominate the conversation 3 before me (take turns speaking) SLANT Value others opinions Avoid side conversations Give others your respect Accept answers without judgment Create meaningful dialogue (yes/no answers are not high level thinking) Refer to text for evidence to back your claim