Learning aim A Know the attributes associated with successful sports leadership
Attributes of a sports leader Attribute – a quality or a feature of personality. Skill – the abilities required to do something well. Quality – a standard – in this case of sports leadership, as measured against other sports leaders. Responsibility – having accountability for something, whether it goes right or wrong. Teacher notes (PS 1): Use this slide to introduce all of the attributes required to be a successful sports leader. You could use the Getting started activity in the BTEC First Sport Student Book, Pearson, 2013 (ISBN: 978-1-4469-0161-8), Topic A.1. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Skills of a sports leader Teacher notes (PS 2): Use this slide to highlight skills required to be a successful sports leader. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Communication There are three main methods of communication used by sports leaders: 1. Verbal communication: e.g. giving technical instructions to sports performers. 2. Non-verbal communication: e.g. facial expressions and bodily gestures. 3. Listening: e.g. asking a sports performer a question and requesting a response. Teacher notes (PS 3): This slide highlights a skill that must be mastered by all sports leaders. Emphasise the importance of all forms of communication. Learners could be asked to complete AS 2 to support this slide. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Qualities Appearance Enthusiasm Confidence Leadership style Motivation Humour Personality Teacher notes (PS 4): This slide could be used to discuss each of the qualities required to be covered within this unit. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Appearance of sports leaders Teacher notes (PS 5): Use this slide to introduce the importance of the appearance of sports leaders to those they are leading. Initiate a class discussion on the appearance of the sports leader on this slide. Learners can then draw up a list of equipment and clothing sports leaders should wear for each sport activity session that they lead. You could expand upon this slide by discussing other qualities of a sports leader and the importance of the learners fulfilling the requirements of each quality as listed within the specification. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.
Responsibilities Teacher notes (PS 6): Use this slide to show learners the core responsibilities and wider responsibilities of a sports leader. For each of the points, ask learners to provide examples. © Pearson Education Ltd 2013. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only.