Quick and Dirty Version (Ok not really dirty) TV Quick and Dirty Version (Ok not really dirty)
Who Is the Inventor? Philo T. Farnsworth first to apply for a patent; General Electric Vladimir Zworykin working for RCA develops iconoscope in 1923 Commercial venture so hotly debated Great Britain is first country to regularly broadcast in 1936; BBC
EPS Cycle World War II thwarts development Elite stage continues until end of war 1948 is breakout year with both NBC and CBS FCC puts freeze on number of licenses granted By 1952, 17 million TV sets
Early Genres Live for a number of years Comedy Westerns Variety shows (almost non-existent today) Sitcoms Quiz shows
The Numbers Today, almost 100% of American homes have at least 1 TV set; most have 2 color sets Average child views more than 18,000 hours of TV by age 15
Some Significant People Talent wise Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour banned from the air for using social commentary Bill Cosby in I Spy is First African American Lead Norman Lear develops All in The Family and Archie Bunker
Some Effects Culture is disseminated to young people through TV programming rather than adults in the home, school, or family Others are all really debatable effects Most agree, TV has limited effects