NET 424: REAL-TIME SYSTEMS (Practical Part) Networks and Communication Department Tutorial 5 : on lecture 4
Question 1 Assume there are 6 jobs given the following execution time and Absolute Deadline find the following for each job: 1. Latency 2. Tardiness 3. Average Latency L Job(J) 1 2 3 4 5 6 E(J) 7 17 27 35 41 D(J) 9 15 20 23 30 Networks and Communication Department
Answer 1-Latency = E(J) – D(J) : Job(J) 1 2 3 4 5 6 E(J) 7 17 27 35 41 9 15 20 23 30 L(J) -3 -2 12 11 Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 2. Tardiness (J) = Max [ 0, L(J) ] Job(J) 1 2 3 4 5 6 E(J) 7 17 27 35 41 D(J) 9 15 20 23 30 L(J) -3 -2 12 11 Tardiness(J) Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 3- Average(L)=L = sum( |L| ) / # of jobs = 37 /6 = 6.16 Networks and Communication Department
Question 2 By given 7 the tasks : A, B, C, D, E, F, G Construct the precedence graph A<C B<C C<E D<F B<D C<F D<G Networks and Communication Department
Answer 2 A C E B F D G Networks and Communication Department