Chapter 20.2 Flow chart
May 7, 1915 German U-Boats sank the Lusitania Germans used uncivilized warfare by not warning British ships 128 Americans died & compensation was not granted to Americans families by Germany Americans saw Germany as BARBARIC
March 24, 1916 Signing of Sussex Pledge After the sinking of a French liner the American and German gov’t signed Pledge Define: German gov’t promised to warn ships before attacking (to protect American citizens)
January 1917 Zimmerman Note British sent American press a telegraph that was sent to Mexico In telegraph German asked Mexico to join on the Central Power side If Mexico joined they would get land lost to the U.S. in the Mexican American War (Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Cali., Utah) and financial support Americas took this seriously and felt they were in danger of being attacked on U.S. soil
February 1917 Germany violated the Sussex Pledge Germany attacked submarines without warning –Pres. Wilson felt U.S. was going to go to war soon (all a matter of time)
March 1917 Russian Revolution Russia Czar was forced out of power and resulted Republic gov’t (U.S. could enter b/c it was similar gov’t)
March 16-8 1917 Germany sank 3 U.S. ships this attack was a direct sign that Germany no longer wanted the U.S. to be neutral – an act of war against the U.S
April 6, 1917 Signing of war resolution Pres. Wilson signs the declaration of war resolution (American sides with the Allied Power officially)