Tuesday, 1 March 2016
ENTERING THE CLASSROOM TARDY BELL RINGS – Class Leader calls class to ATTENTION At ATTENTION by side of desk Take SEATS – Say: “Per Ardua Ad Astra” Work on Black Book
Starter: Black Book 7 minutes to write Topic is your choice Writing! Writing! Writing! 5 lines / 1 paragraph
MATERIALS CHECK Quiet Mode Four yellow pencils Scissors, labeled Glue sticks, labeled Ten markers, labeled 2 dictionaries, labeled 1 thesaurus, labeled Stapler Four highlighters, labeled
Close Reading Quiet Mode What a text says: What does this part literally say? How it says it: What kind of words are used? Figurative? Literal? Serious? Silly? (tone) What does it mean: Do you understand what this is about? Can you connect in any way? Does it have anything to do with what you know in your life?
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Mode Let others think too Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK: Let others think too I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Notebooks Entries Are: Quiet Mode: Let others think too In pencil or pen Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly, legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
ENTRY 52 – Today’s Objectives 1 Mar 2016 I can analyze how characters try to control one another in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. How will I be ASSESSED? Entry 52 3x3 Note-catcher
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Table Discussion Team Work
DURING OPEN DISCUSSION… Open Table Discussion I contribute my ideas to class discussion. I listen to others when they are speaking. I wait for the appropriate time to contribute my ideas. I am polite in my interactions with other students and the teacher.
Entry 52: Entry Book Discussion Open Table Whose desire to control others resulted in the argument between Hermia, Helena, Lysander, and Demetrius that we read about yesterday? Focus question: How is the character of Puck critical in creating the plot of the story? Be sure to use the strongest details from the text to support your answer.
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
WHEN I STAND AND DELIVER… I stand at my seat so all my classmates can see who is speaking. I ask or answer a question in a clear, loud voice. I sit down without making a fuss (quietly and without disturbing others). If I’m not presenting, I’m listening.
Deliver Whose desire resulted in the fight? Our table decided… How is Puck responsible for the mess? We think Puck is responsible for the mess because…
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
Vocabulary: I have/Who has Each person has one strip The first person says: “Who has __________?” The person with the answer says, “I have _______. Who has __________?” 1 round The same person that started should finish
Planner: Homework Whisper Mode Review and/or complete entries to be prepared for tomorrow’s quiz!!
MATERIALS CHECK Whisper Mode Four yellow pencils Scissors, labeled Glue sticks, labeled Ten markers, labeled 2 dictionaries, labeled 1 thesaurus, labeled Stapler Four highlighters, labeled
END OF CLASS Quiet Mode: Let Others Think Too Planner check by class leader (homework must be recorded for each class period today) SECURE YOUR GEAR Class, ATTENTION Dismissal by group