Setting! The setting of a story is when and where a story takes place. Explain to your table 2 settings that you experienced over the break!
A story’s setting can be real or imaginary and acts as the backdrop for a story.
“Why is it important to understand setting?”
“Setting” is important because... -Setting can reveal the mood of a story. -What might the mood of a story be that was set at the North Pole? In Afghanistan? At an Amusement Park? In the Jungle?
“Setting” is important because... Setting can reveal the conflict that a character is facing! Why kind of conflicts do characters experience at school? On the bus? At home? At recess?
“Setting” is important because... Setting affects a characters’ choices and actions! Pay attention to how our main character changes as the setting changes!
Two settings may conflict with each other, causing conflict in the characters who live in them. This will happen to our main character, Jeffrey Lionel “Maniac” Magee! Can have of you connect to this situation?
“What are the different types of setting?” Physical Geographical
“Physical Setting” time of day season weather inside/outside
“Geographical Setting” country region state city neighborhood street type of house proximity to ocean/mountains culture of the people (clothing, dialogue, celebrations, and traditions)