Europe between the Wars
Recovery from World War I Economic Problems Europe near bankruptcy Japan and US in good shape US expected debt to be repaid End of Absolutism Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia New democracies unstable
Germany and the Weimar Republic Weak government Had to sign the Treaty of Versailles Took responsibility for war, had to pay reparations, lost territory Unpopular with people Article 48 – allowed for a dictator in times of crisis
Economic crisis Did not raise taxes to pay for war Printed more money to pay reparations Caused massive inflation 1914 – 1 dollar = 4.2 marks 1921 – 1 dollar = 64 marks 1924 – 1 dollar = 800,000,000 marks Dawes Plan – US plan to loan money to Germany
The Rest of Europe France – wanted reparations and to limit Germany Great Britain – was dealing with colonial issues (Ireland, India, the Commonwealth) United States Wanted to be isolated
Post-War Treaties Locarno Pact (1924) Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain Promised that France and Germany would never fight another war Germany promised to respect existing borders of Belgium and France “Spirit of Locarno” - optimism
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) 32 countries signed Each country pledged to ‘denounce war as an instrument of national policy’ No enforcement possible
Italy under Mussolini
Post World War I Italy joined to gain territory, but only gained a little Peasants and workers upset because expected more Created a strong Communist party
Fascism Features Anti-democratic, anti-Marxist / anti-Communist, anti-liberal Supported by the ‘little guy’ - middle class, small businessmen, small farmers Strongly nationalistic and militaristic
Benito Mussolini Early Life Socialist Fought and wounded in WWI After war, organized Fascists (Italian for ‘Bands of Combat’)
Rise to Power Created a group of men called the “Black Shirts” – anti-Socialist thugs – made him popular with people
Black Shirt March (1922) Led March on Rome Government resigned King appointed Mussolini Prime Minister and given dictatorial power for one year
Mussolini in Power 1924 – abolished freedom of the press, arrested political opponents, fixed elections, created a Fascist youth group
Lateran Agreement (1929) – Vatican recognized as independent state Made popular with church and Catholics Women expected to be mothers – Bachelors taxed No ill treatment of Jews until Hitler in power
Hitler and the Nazis
Hitler - Early Life Austrian Dropped out of high school – moved to Vienna to pursue art school – rejected and moved to Munich World War I Joined war Wounded Said the war gave his life meaning
Hitler – Post-War Stayed in Munich and joined German Workers Party (later National Socialist German Workers Party – Nazi) Blamed Jews, Marxists, and democrats for losing war
Beer Hall Putsch (1923) Inspired by Mussolini’s March on Rome Hitler and Nazis tried to take over the government of Bavaria Put on trial where he denounced the Weimar Republic and gained a lot of sympathy from the judges and the press Received a light sentence – 5 years – but only served nine months
Road to Power In prison 1924 – 1929 He decided to take power legitimately instead of through a coup Wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) Race Lebensraum – Living Space Fuhrer – leader/dictator with unlimited power 1924 – 1929 Built up party membership but never widely popular
The Nazis Mass political movement Flags, badges, uniforms Youth Group SA – Stormtroopers (Brown Shirts)
Build Up to World War II
Timeline 1933 1935 1936 Hitler named Chancellor Germany withdrew from League of Nations 1935 Hitler announced rearmament and creation of an air force (Luftwaffe) Italy invaded Ethiopia and League of Nations did nothing 1936 Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland Best chance to stop Hitler
1936 Spanish Civil War Spain a republic since 1931 General Francisco Franco led Nationalists in revolt against government Italy and Germany helped Nationalists USSR supported Loyalists (left), but no help from Great Britain or France Guernica Nationalists won by 1939
1936 1938 Rome-Berlin Axis Pact Anschluss (annexation) of Austria Mussolini drew closer to Hitler because of Spanish Civil War 1938 Anschluss (annexation) of Austria Austrians voted to join Germany Violated Treaty of Versailles – nothing done
Czechoslovak Crisis (1938) Many Germans live in Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia – Hitler wanted them to join Germany Hitler threatened to annex Sudetenland and Czechololooslovakia
Munich Conference (Sept 1938) Hitler, Mussolini, Neville Chamberlain (Great Britain), France – no Stalin Choice – war or sacrifice Czechoslovakia Hitler allowed to annex Sudetenland if promise not to take Czechoslovakia
1939 Hitler took Czechoslovakia (March) Mussolini conquered Albania Hitler demanded access to E. Prussia and Danzig, Poland returned to Germany Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact August 1939 Promised not to fight each other Germany invaded Poland (Sept 1, 1939)