Judy Willoughby, Department of Ohio Public Relations Chair
What is Public Relations? The Public Relations Committee provides a forum for the Districts to share ideas to improve the Public Relations of the American Legion throughout the state of Ohio and its communities Public Relations include the communication, collaboration, education, and entertainment of The American Legion membership, and the public at large, about the purposes and activities of the local Posts, Districts, Department and the National Organization This includes the use of traditional and digital public relations media
Best Paper Contest Categories Circulation of less then 500 Circulation of 500 or more District Newsletter District Directory or Roster Website- Post or District Facebook Page Single Sheet Multiple Sheet Computer Generated Commercially Printed
Printed Materials Judging Criteria Immediate appeal Calendar Officer news Auxiliary news SAL news Legion Rider news National news District news Local news Photos and illustrations clear and appropriate Good identification of all photos Design and make-up Logical arrangements Quality of content Contact Information
Electronic Format Judging Criteria Immediate appeal Ease of navigation Contact information Content Good identification of all pictures Links- good Links- work Images- appropriate Images- clear
Awards Judging will be done by the Public Relations Committee Awards will be given out at Department Convention Forms can be found at www.ohiolegion.com/forms