Submission Title: SG-VLC Midweek Report for Dallas November 2008


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Presentation transcript:

Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: SG-VLC Midweek Report for Dallas November 2008 Date Submitted: 12 November 2008 Source: Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics Contact: Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics Voice: E-Mail: Re: Abstract: Midweek report for the SG-VLC Session in Dallas, TX. Purpose: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Slide 1 Euntae Won 1

SG-VLC 4th Meeting, Dallas, TX Midweek Report 12 November, 2008

Three 2-hour time slots was held in Tuesday and Wednesday. - Attendance: Approx. 20 attendees in Tuesday PM1, PM2 slot. Approx. 23 attendees in Wednesday AM1 slot. 2. Relative Documents: Presentation 15-08-0745-00-0vlc-potential-applications-for-vlc 15-08-0759-02-0vlc-idle-stop-technologies-using-the-vlc-for-high-gas-mileage 15-08-0777-00-0vlc-vlc_application_evolution_consideration 15-08-0802-00-0vlc-potential-applications-for-visible-light-communications-in-commercial-aircraft 15-08-0784-00-0vlc-vlc-channel-modeling-with-different-reflection-types 15-08-0801-00-0vlc-802-15-7-par-comments 15-08-0790-00-0vlc-Technical Issues on VLC 15-08-0748-00-0vlc-VLC use case for image sensor 15-08-0799-01-0vlc-A VLC Use Case Using Automobile LEDs for Smart Driving 3. Motion: to forward modified PAR to the working group for approval of the formation of the 802.15 VLC Task Group - Passed unanimously

Motion Moved: Taehan Bae Second: Taegyu Kang Vote (Y/N/A) : 23/0/0 Move that The Visible Light Communications Study Group forward the VLC modified PAR (doc number: 15-08-0656-03) to the 802.15 WG for approval and request that the 802.15 WG forward it to the 802 EC for approval to forward the VLC PAR request to NesCom. And further to authorize the study group and working group chairs to make changes as appropriate. Moved: Taehan Bae Second: Taegyu Kang Vote (Y/N/A) : 23/0/0 Slide 4 Slide 4

Motion Moved: Euntae Won Second: Joachim W. Walewski Move that the WG accept the proposed comment resolutions(0802-r3 ) and the corresponding modifications to the PAR and 5C (0656-r3). Further, the WG authorizes the Study Group and Working Group chairs jointly to make any modifications needed to the comment package prior to its submission to the EC at or before 1700 central time, Nov 12. Any resulting modifications to the PAR and 5C will be brought to the WG for affirmation at the WG closing plenary. Moved: Euntae Won Second: Joachim W. Walewski Vote (Y/N/A) : 63 / 0 / 4 Slide 5 Slide 5