RAS Spring Meeting Series Nominations Committee Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005 Spring AdCom Meeting IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Summary Part 1: The AdCom members nomination process Part 2: The President-elect nomination process IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
RAS Spring Meeting Series Part 1 The AdCom members nomination process IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Nominations Committee Composition (2004-5) Paolo Dario, Chair (Junior Past President) Henrik Christensen John Hollerbach David Orin (AdCom Member) Shin’ichi Yuta IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Nominations Committee Part 1. Standing Rules on Nominations 1.1. General rules By May 31 each year a Call For Nominations shall be distributed to AdCom members, published on the Magazine and also posted at the RAS website. The Call has been prepared. delivered to Roz Snyder and it will be also disseminated to ALL RAS members through the RAS e-newsletter. Nominations shall be submitted to the Nomination Chair. Nominators (or self nominations) should indicate the position the nominee is seeking and the nominee’s agreement to serve if elected. Deadline for Nominations: August 15, 2005. The Nominations Committee members will also proactively solicit self-nominations of qualified RAS members to ensure geographical distribution and an adequate number of candidates/nominees IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Nominations Committee New AdCom members to be elected in 2005 “…(from the RAS Standing Rules) ..By May 31 each year, the Secretary, with the concurrence of the AdCom, shall define the number of AdCom members to be elected from each RAS Geographical Area with respect to the vacancies and to the residual composition of the incumbent AdCom…..” AdCom vacancies for 2005 elections are SIX: TWO members to be elected at large TWO from Americas ONE from EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) ONE from Asia and Pacific IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Nominations Committee Proposed transition from previous to new AdCom composition (the assumption being that ALL current AdCom members can be considered as elected “at large”) end 2004: elect 2 at-large, 1 from Americas, 1 from Europe, 2 from Asia new status: 14 at-large, 1 America, 1 Europe, 2 Asia end 2005: elect 2 at-large, 2 from Americas, 1 Europe, 1 Asia new status: 10 at-large, 3 America, 2 Europe, 3 Asia end 2006: elect 2 at-large, 1 America, 2 Europe, 1 Asia new status: 6 at-large, 4 America, 4 Europe, 4 Asia (Excerpt from 2004 Fall AdCom Meeting minutes) IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Nominations Committee New AdCom members to be elected in 2005 “….Three groups of candidates shall be nominated. Each group shall be composed of a slate of candidates from each of the three RAS Geographical Areas Each slate of candidates from each of the three RAS Geographical Areas shall be composed of at least two more nominees than the number of vacancies All RAS members will receive the same ballot displaying separately the three sub-groups candidates in alphabetical order. For each candidate the regional membership shall be also specified on the ballot aside the name….” IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
AdCom members Nominations process Including petitions, a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 nominees will appear on the ballot Ballots to be sent to RAS members BY SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 Election results expected by the end of November/beginning of December IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
RAS Fall Meeting Series Part 2 New President-elect nomination process IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Nominations Committee New President-elect to be elected at the 2005 Fall AdCom Meeting IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Nominations Committee Standing Rules on Nominations ……… Nominees will be considered by the Nominations Committee in consultation with the Advisory Committee. A slate of candidates will be announced prior to the elections. At least two candidates for the President-Elect office shall be nominated. The Candidates issue written position statements which shall be distributed to AdCom members before voting….. …..Nominations can be made from the floor, but it is discouraged. If last minute nominations are contemplated, nominators are advised to inform the Nominations Chair in advance…. ….Each candidate will be allowed to make a short oral presentation before voting. In case the candidate is absent for some acceptable reason, such as illness, a colleague can make the presentation on his/her behalf…. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
Advisory Committee Five immediate Past Presidents Paolo Dario, Chair Steve Hsia Toshio Fukuda George Bekey T. J. Tarn IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005
President-elect nominations process Nominations and self-nominations will be proactively solicited by the Nomination Committee Deadline: September 15, 2005 The Nominations Committee will screen the applications and will vote electronically The 3 most voted candidates will be nominated, provided that they reached a majority (3 votes) Candidates will be asked to prepare a written statement to be circulated in advance to voting AdCom members IEEE Robotics and Automation Society RAS Spring Meeting Series Report Barcelona, April 23, 2005