Using Satellite images to make predictions of changing landforms
Review What is a land feature? What is weathering? What is erosion? A geological structure created by weathering, erosion, or deposition What is weathering? The break up of rock into smaller pieces from ice, plants, abrasion, dissolving or other chemical means What is erosion? The moving of land from one place to another by either wind or water What is the difference? Weathering is the breakdown of material into smaller material and erosion is the movement of that material
Guess this land feature from either a satellite picture or a topographic map List of possible answers: Arch cliff mountain Beach delta river valley Glacial valley crater volcano
Picture 1 Land feature type: delta
Picture 2 Land feature type: arch
Picture 3 Land feature type: glacial valley
Picture 4 Hachure marks Can you pick out the topo symbol that is missing from the map? Land feature type: volcano
Picture 5 Land feature type: river valley
Picture 6 Land feature type: cliff
Picture 7 Land feature: mountains
Picture 8 Land feature type: crater
Picture 9 Land feature type: beach
Time to make some predictions Directions-Predict how weathering or erosion will impact each of the following land features
Hurricane Ike Weathering or Erosional event:___________ Before Land feature: barrier Island that we know as Galveston After
Physical weathering (wind/rain) Weathering or Erosional event:________________ After Land feature: The “Old Man” rock formation
Tsunami Weathering or Erosional event:________________ Land feature: beach-head Before After After
Wave action Weathering or Erosional event:________________ Before Land feature: beach Wave action Weathering or Erosional event:________________ After