4.2 Access To Water
Think About it 1.1 billion people live without clean drinking water 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation 1.8 million people die every year from diarrhea 3900 children die every day from waterborne disease 260 river basins are shared by two or more countries
Think About it Quantity of water needed to produce 1 kg of: Wheat 1,000 L Rice 1,400L Beef 13,000L Water bottle 13 gallons
Water Scarcity Water scarcity is affected by water availability and how water is used Agriculture (70%), Industry (20%) Distribution of available water is uneven Only use 50% worlds' reliable runoff 70% of water withdraws from rivers, lakes and aquifers are not returned to the source.
Water Resources
Freshwater Stress
Water Usage
Sustainable Water Use Sustainable: use of a resource at a rate that does not impact future generations Sources of freshwater Replacing water in aquifers is very slow Some aquifers cannot be refilled water.usgs.gov
Water Scarcity and Water Degredation Water Scarcity Issues: Growing population Climate change Agriculture practices Low water levels Aquifer exhaustion www.ulsgroup.com.au
Water Scarcity & Water Degradation Water Scarcity Solution Build dams (reservoirs) Desalination – takes a lot of energy Rainwater harvesting Artificially recharged aquifers www.telangana.gov.in
Water Scarcity & Water Degradation Water Scarcity Solution More efficient domestic use Grey water cycling Rainwater harvesting Drought resistant crops Drip irrigation Water at night
Water Scarcity & Water Degradation Water Degradation Issues Contamination of aquifers Salinization of top soil Overuse of fertilizers and pesticides Industrial pollutants Release of warm water themoderenworld.com
Water Scarcity & Water Degradation Water Degradation Solutions Use organic farming methods Use highly selective pesticides Industry removes pollutants Regulate temperature of water Legislation and regulation
Water Wars Water conflicts around the world Middle East – Nile, Jordan, Tigris US – Colorado River, Ogallala aquifer China – Yellow River India – Ganges