Saturday school April 22, 2017
Parent surveys Thank you for taking the time to be here today and to providing feedback to us! We use this feedback to: Make changes to policy Review what we are doing well, and what we need to improve Please place surveys in envelope
Sbac preview
What is SBAC? The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) is a standardized test consortium. It is a required Common Core State Standards-aligned test. It uses automated essay scoring (based on rubric criteria) It is adaptive (adjusts to student level)
How are SBAC Scores used? ASPIRE uses SBAC scores for several purposes Identification of students who need academic support Affects class placement in support classes for Math and ELA Predictors of student success Measurements of teacher effectiveness Guides instruction
What does the SBAC LOOK LIKE? There are many different question types that appear on the SBAC These question types occur on both ELA AND MATH SBAC Tests Multiple choice, single correct response Multiple choice, single correct response (highlight) Multiple choice, multiple correct responses (checkboxes and HIGHLIGHT) Matching Tables (variation using True/False or Yes/No format Short Text
Question Types ELA ONLY MATH ONLY Drag and Drop (select and move objects) Hot Spot (Select targeted areas in the response area) Table Fill in Graphing Equation/numeric ELA ONLY Two-part multiple-choice, with evidence responses Hot Text (select and move text) Listening Tasks (audio only) This is new required standard!! Essay
Let’s take a closer look… Using your student’s user name and password, log on to a chrome book Open GOOGLE browser and search sbac practice test Or type in the following url Choose student interface: Practice and training tests
You do not need any information to take the practice test. Guest Log in Click on “SIGN IN” You do not need any information to take the practice test.
Select the grade of the practice test you would like to take. Select grade level Select the grade of the practice test you would like to take. Then click “Yes”
Select your test Choose either ELA Practice Test Or Math practice test
Getting through the test Click through the settings and complete the sound check Students will need headphones on the actual test. For today, you can just click through the sound test. Begin the test Use the note catcher to make observations about the test you selected.
Enjoy your day and we appreciate you being here! Thank you! Enjoy your day and we appreciate you being here!