Planning a sector-wide campaign for alternative government funding Community legal centres queensland
Some assumptions The level of Qld government funding is currently known. Extra Qld government funding is not anticipated (at least not at any significant level). Commonwealth funding is known to end June 2010. No indications there will be significant Commonwealth enhancements to NPA funding from a Coalition government. No guarantees from Labor either. Individual Qld centres have had some luck scoring funding for specific projects, however these amounts are generally modest and not long-term. Funding not always secured by the centre/s best placed to deliver the services. Ad hoc funding like this does not always strengthen the sector. There is extensive unmet legal need in Qld.
Some more assumptions If centres want to meet this legal need in a significant and ongoing way, it will be necessary to explore options for funding from new sources (new departments or other non-government sources). A new ‘pitch’ will be required. It is worthwhile exploring whether this funding may be better secured through a sector-wide approach whereby the sector as a whole seeks and procures funding, with funding being then distributed to those centres best placed to meet the need (or indeed to all centres depending on the funding). In the life of this NPA there has been additional funding announced (e.g. DV, elder abuse), but this generally bypasses the NPA and individual centres often struggle to put together attractive proposals. Funders may be put off by multiple bids from individual centres and more attracted to state-wide bids from peaks or single entities (such as Legal Aid, Relationships Australia, large national or state-wide charities). Governments like fewer contracts not more contracts. Failure to develop coordinated bids reduces the likelihood the sector will secure large-scale funding from government.
5 questions Do these assumptions seem sound? Is there an appetite for coordinated sector bids for funding to address priority needs? What might some of these state-wide priorities be? Is there any likelihood of additional funding in key areas? Any government (and/or community) priorities likely to attract funding in the next three years? Would any individual centres feel disadvantaged by sector-wide approaches?
4 more for good measure Is there a mechanism for identifying priorities and approving sector bids for funding in QLD? Who’s got money the sector might be able to secure? Does the sector have a well articulated ‘product’ to sell to funders? What do you want to do as a sector?