Are We Blind Also? Text: John 9:1-41 6/10/2014 1
Exposition of the Text: Jesus disciples asked why the blind man was born blind? (John 9:1-5) Prenatal sin? Pre-existent of the soul? Consequences of parents sins? Jesus was focused on WHAT and not WHO. What could be done? This was an opportunity to display the power of God. 6/10/2014 2
Exposition of the Text: Jesus disciples asked why the blind man was born blind? (9:1-5) Jesus restores the blind mans sight. (9:6-7) The neighbors question the blind man about his restored sight. (9:8-12) The neighbors bring the blind man to the Pharisees. (9:13-17) 6/10/2014 3
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath The man with the withered hand. (Mt. 12:9-14) The demoniac in the synagogue in Capernaum. (Mk. 9:21-28) Peters mother-in-law (Mk. 1:29-31) The stooped woman (Luke 13:10-17) The man with dropsy (Luke 14:1-6) The infirmed man at the pool of Bethesda (Jn. 5:1-15) The man born blind (John 9:1-41) 6/10/2014 4
Sabbath Traditions The making of saliva was an infringement of the Sabbath. Dan King: Among the thirty-nine works forbidden to Jews on the Sabbath (Mishnah Shabbath 7:2) was kneading, and Jesus had kneaded the clay with his spittle to make the mud. (The Book Of John, Truth Commentaries, p. 188) The non-emergency healing on the Sabbath. 6/10/2014 5
Exposition of the Text: Jesus disciples asked why the blind man was born blind? (9:1-5) Jesus restores the blind mans sight. (9:6-7) The neighbors question the blind man about his restored sight. (9:8-12) The neighbors bring the blind man to the Pharisees. (9:13-17) The Jewish leaders interrogate the blind mans parents (9:18-23) 6/10/2014 6
Exposition of the Text: The Jewish leaders interrogate the blind mans parents. (9:18-23) The questions of the Pharisees: Is he your son? (19) Was he born blind? (19) How does he now see? (19) The parents admit: He is their son (20) He was born blind (20) They would not speculate regarding his sight. (21) 6/10/2014 7
Exposition of the Text: Jesus disciples asked why the blind man was born blind? (9:1-5) Jesus restores the blind mans sight. (9:6-7) The neighbors question the blind man about his restored sight. (9:8-12) The neighbors bring the blind man to the Pharisees. (9:13- 17) The Jewish leaders interrogate the blind mans parents (9:18-23) The Jewish leaders interrogate the blind man again. (9:24- 34) 6/10/2014 8
The Pharisees Rationale: The law forbade work on the Sabbath Jesus had healed on the Sabbath Jesus was a sinner 6/10/2014 9
The Blind Mans Rationale: Jesus opened my eyes. God does not hear the prayers of sinners. If a man worships God and does His will, God hears him. No man ever opened the eyes of one born blind before this man did. Therefore if this man were not from God, he could do nothing. 6/10/
Exposition of the Text: Jesus disciples asked why the blind man was born blind? (9:1-5) Jesus restores the blind mans sight. (9:6-7) The neighbors question the blind man about his restored sight. (9:8-12) The neighbors bring the blind man to the Pharisees. (9:13-17) The Jewish leaders interrogate the blind mans parents (9:18- 23) The Jewish leaders interrogate the blind man again. (9:24-34) Jesus seeks to question the blind man. (9:35-39) 6/10/
Are We Blind Also? The blind man was born physically blind. He first understood that a man called Jesus opened his eyes. (9:11) He later reasoned Jesus was a prophet. (9:17) After the Pharisees interrogation he understood that Jesus was from God. (9:33) Finally he understands Jesus to be the Son of God (9:35-38) 6/10/
Are We Blind Also? The apostles were blinded by pre-conceived ideas. Who sinned? This man or his parents? (9:2) Their question was based on the presupposition that all suffering is a direct result of sin. (ref. Job 4:7; 8:20) Suffering can be a direct result of our poor choices. (Prov. 23:29-35) This was not the case in this instance. (John 9:3) The apostles were blinded by preconceived notions. 6/10/
Are We Blind Also? Some neighbors were blinded by a supernatural bias. This would explain why they did not recognize the blind man. (9:9) The world struggles with a supernatural bias. Liberal Bible scholars Evolutionists 6/10/
Are We Blind Also? The Pharisees were blinded by tradition. Sabbath Law: Dont kindle any fires (Ex. 35:3) Dont cook (Ex. 16:23) Dont leave your place (Ex. 16:29) Dont work (Ex. 20:8-10; Dt. 5:12-14; cf. Neh. 10:31; 13:16-18) Dont bear burdens (Jer. 17:21-22) Rest (Ex. 23:12; 34:21) Remember the Lord (Ex. 31:15-17; 35:2) 6/10/ When Jewish leaders condemned Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, (Matthew 12:12) Jesus responded by saying that it was if it was lawful to show mercy to an animal on the Sabbath, then it is right to show mercy and help a man on the Sabbath (Mt. 12:12) JESUS BROKE THEIR TRADITIONS, NOT THE SABBATH
Man Made Traditions The immaculate conception of Mary The perpetual virginity of Mary The worship of Mary The bodily assumption of Mary Praying to Mary Infant baptism Candles, incense, rosary beads Denominationalism 6/10/
Are We Blind Also? The parents where blinded by fear of excommunication. Fear of the Jews is a common theme in Johns gospel Nicodemus came to Jesus by night (Jn. 3:2) The people speculated privately about whether or not Jesus would come to the Feast of Tabernacles (Jn. 7:13) Some believing rulers would not confess Jesus (Jn. 12:42-43) 6/10/
Are We Blind Also? The Pharisees were blinded by arrogant certainty. They were certain that Jesus was not from God because He broke the Sabbath. (9:16) Therefore they decide the man could not have been born blind. (9:18) Therefore they interrogate his parents looking for another plausible explanation. (9:18-21) They interrogate the blind man again hoping to find another explanation to the miracle. (9:24-34) Admit the truth! (9:24) You are lying - you are a disciple of Christ. (9:28) 6/10/
Arrogant Certainty We know that this Man is a sinner! (Jn. 9:24b) You are His disciple, but we are Moses disciples (Jn. 9:28) We know that God spoke to Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from (Jn. 9:29) You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching us? (Jn. 9:34) 6/10/
What Blinds Us to the Truth? Preconceived Ideas Anti-Supernatural Bias Man-made Traditions Fear Arrogant Certainty 6/10/
How Can I Avoid Prejudice? By a willingness to do the Fathers will. (John 7:17) Be open Consider Look at the evidence 6/10/ The blind man saw physically and spiritually because: He listened to the words of Jesus He believed the words of Jesus He obeyed the words of Jesus