French and Italian label designs for Fujian Gangfa Elke Walsch Assistant Manager e.mail: Mobile: +33 (0) 650 564 785 Fax: +33 (0) 547 745.


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Presentation transcript:

French and Italian label designs for Fujian Gangfa Elke Walsch Assistant Manager e.mail: Mobile: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) rue Professeur Calmette, Cenon France

French label design – Brand: Baron Duval

French label design – available with Brand: Baron Duval

Elke Walsch e.mail: - Mobile: +33 (0) IT12001J Italian label design – available with Brand: Bacconi, Ponte Vicente

Elke Walsch e.mail: - Mobile: +33 (0) IT12002J Italian label design – available with Brand: Bacconi, Ponte Vicente, Fiori

Elke Walsch e.mail: - Mobile: +33 (0) IT12010J Italian label design – available with Brand: Bacconi, Amore Mio

Elke Walsch e.mail: - Mobile: +33 (0) IT12013J Italian label design – available with Brand: Bacconi, DELTORO