Passé Composé versus Imparfait – Partie Deux Unit 3, Part 2
Le Passé Composé Ask yourself these questions: Describes specific actions in the past Narrates the action of the story that constitute story line Ask yourself these questions: What happened? What happened next?
L’Imparfait Sets the scene of a story Gives the background information of the story
An Acronym to help with l’imparfait D
E – Endless Actions What people were doing What was going on
A – age and appearance Physical traits Clothing Health
T – time and weather Date Time Weather
E - emotions Feelings Attitudes Intentions
D - descriptions Scenery Describing anything not previously listed
You decide the tense… What you were doing at 8:00 last night What they were doing when your mom came home yesterday What you did last weekend What you ate for dinner last night What you used to do with your friends after elementary school
You decide the tense… Where you were yesterday at 3:00 When you started high school What you looked like when you were 10 years old Where you went on vacation last year