Select Team Defense: Near Man
Level of Play (Near Man) Near Man: Level of Play Level of Play (Near Man) “Near man” is a base defense for all Trilogy select-teams. The defense is an “adjacent” based sliding defense, and should be run anytime the offense DOES NOT have a player positioned on the crease.
Near Man: Set-up Set-up (Near Man) If the offense does not have a player on the crease, the defense cannot run its regular “Crash” package and must, therefore, slide form the adjacent player. In “Near-man,” all of the slides will come form the player closest to the ball. This defense requires players stay “tight” and making “stretching out” or putting pressure on the ball difficult as this will increase the length of slides…
Set-up (Near Man Continued) Near Man: Set-up Continued Set-up (Near Man Continued) In “Near Man” the slide will come from the player towards whom the offender is dodging. The second slide comes from the next adjacent player and the third slide comes from the defensive player adjacent to the second slide and so on. All defense players are considered to be “on a string”, meaning that when the slide-man “goes”, everyone else must respond accordingly.
D2 D3 D1 M2 M1 M3 Near Man: Set Up (Midfield Dodge)
Execution (On a Midfield Dodge) Near Man: Execution Execution (On a Midfield Dodge) If a midfielder dodges from up-top, the on-ball defender (M1), should take away the middle of the field, forcing their man “down the alley”. Forcing them down the side decreases their shooting angle and will force a long-pole to slide instead of another short stick. After the slide occurs, the next adjacent defenseman should slide across the crease to cover for D1’s man…
Execution (On a Midfield Dodge) Near Man: Execution Continued Execution (On a Midfield Dodge) The farthest defenseman (D3) wants to cover for the second slide by getting to the crease so he can help where it is necessary. The off-ball midfielders (M2 and M3) want to stay on the same level as the ball and get down the backside. If the ball-carrier rolls away from pressure and throws to one of their men, then M2 and M3 can recover back up-top.
D2 D1 D3 M2 M1 M3 Near Man: Set Up (Midfield Dodge)
Near Man: Set Up (Midfield Dodge) Once he’s slid, the slider wants to remain on the double-team. If recovery is necessary, the previous on-ball defender wants to recover to the crease and find another mark. Near Man: Set Up (Midfield Dodge)
Execution (On an Attack Dodge) Near Man: Execution On an Attack Dodge Execution (On an Attack Dodge) If an attackman dodges from behind, the on-ball defenseman wants to deny the GLE and force an inside roll so the backside defenseman can perform a “COMA” (COMe Across) slide. The COMA slide comes from the adjacent defenseman on the opposite side of the crease. When this slide occurs it is essential that the top midfielder get down the backside and cover the vacated attackman…
Execution (On an Attack Dodge) Near Man: Execution On an Attack Dodge Continued Execution (On an Attack Dodge) The remaining midfielders M2 and M3 want to get to the middle of the field so they are in a position to help. The adjacent defenseman can provide initial support by faking a slide (FIZZ) to thwart the dodge. This defensemen must not get out of position or lose sight of his attackman or else he’ll be vulnerable to a back-door cut. ** If the defender gets beaten topside, then the first slide comes from the ball-defenseman. The second slide comes from the midfielder.
D2 D1 D3 M2 M3 M1 Near Man: Set Up (Attack Dodge)
Near Man: Set Up (Attack Dodge) After he slides, the slider will stay on the double-team. If recovery is necessary, the previous on-ball defender will recover to the crease and find a new mark. Near Man: Set Up (Attack Dodge)
Near Man: Final Thoughts Near Man is an important defense to know and understand in the event that a team does not have an offensive player on the crease. The keys to this defense remain the same 1) on ball player MUST keep dodgers down the sides (if dodging from the midfield) or “under” (when dodging from the attack 2) the defense must communicate all slides and all second slides, and 3) all slides should be made with the body and not with a swinging stick.