Christopher Avilla
What is MiTM?Computer MiTMGSM MiTM Tips for Detection of MiTM
Alice "Hi Bob, it's Alice. Give me your key"--> Mallory Bob Alice Mallory "Hi Bob, it's Alice. Give me your key"--> Bob Alice Mallory <--[Bob's_key] Bob Alice <--[Mallory's_key] Mallory Bob Alice "Meet me at the bus stop!"[encrypted with Mallory's key]--> Mallory Bob Alice Mallory "Do not meet me!"[encrypted with Bob's key]--> Bob
Computer Network – ARP cache poisoning Cell Phone Networks – IMSI catcher and VBTS RFID Chips and Readers
Send ARP Reply to Client acting as Server Send ARP Reply to Server acting as Client Then View, Edit, Modify and Inject packets to and from target
Cain and Able EttercapDsniff
Injection DNS Spoofing SSL Strip Sniffing
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) GSM equivalent to a username Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP)
Ability for base station to tell hand set that it will not get cipher Plain text between phone and SIM card
Secret Key in SIM Card Base station sends 128 bit Random number SIM Card concats 128 with Secret Key Hashes the result and splits in two Half is sent back to base station Half is used for cypher A5 A53 is 3G encryption
OpenBTS Hooks in to Asterisk (VoIP) SIP proxy with voice changer Target specific phone number and route all calls to 911 Sniff all SIP packets and replay conversations
Third Party Applications – AntiARP or XArp netcut/ netcut/ Look at your ARP table by ARP/a or ARP –a Use static ARP tables A fine tuned IDS will alert you when youve fallen GSM phone should alert you when non-encrypted
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