Table 1 : Key Statistics for Certification, Area (hectarage), APC, Sales & Uptake *Annual Production Capacity rows indicate the projected annual maximum volume processed by mills *Supply rows indicate the actual volume of CSPO/CSPKO produced *Certified Area indicate the hectarage of plantation that are certified *Production Area indicate the hectarage of plantation that are productively producing 1
Production Area (ha) by Year 2
Production Area (ha, %) by Country 3
CSPO & CSPK Supply (mt) by Year 4
CSPO Supply (mt) by Country from January 2013 to May 2013 5
CSPO Sales (mt) via SG/MB, B&C 6
CSPO Uptake (%) by Year 7
CERTIFICATION Principles & Criteria Certification Certified Growers 44 Certified Palm Oil Mills 206 Supply Chain Certification Companies 261 Facilities 716 8
MEMBERSHIP RSPO Members Ordinary Members 832 Supply Chain Associates 307 Affiliate Members 100 TOTAL 1239 9
TRADEMARK Total Licensees by Stakeholder Stakeholders Total Consumer Goods Manufacturers 53 Growers 5 Processors & Traders 36 Retailers 12 Supply Chain Associate 15 Grand Total 121 10
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