Ninth Grade Academy Teachers: Patterson, Tate, Smith, McCrary, Edwards Health/wellness
Supplies Uniform and athletic shoes Flash Drive Charged Computer everyday Paper Folder Pen/pencil
Webpage Access 1. Go to: 2. Click on the School tab at the top of the webpage and on the drop down menu click on the Ninth Grade Academy link. 3. Once you are on the Ninth Grade Academy page go to the ABOUT US tab at the top of the webpage. Click the drop down Staff Directory link 4. Find the name in the staff directory and click it! 5. YOU ARE NOW ON MY WEBPAGE!!!
What is exactly on our webpage? The Online Book for the class is located under the LINKS tab on the right hand side of the home page. On the homepage, under post(s), you will see all class PowerPoints and Guided notes for the entire year.
Our email: - Pam Tate - Anthony Smith - Amye Patterson - William (Trey) Edwards - John McCrary If you ever have a question or are in need of anything please send me an email! I have constant access to my computer throughout each day so you will probably get a fast response!