English 3 Unit: Fahrenheit 451 Unit 2: Day 2 English 3 Unit: Fahrenheit 451
Bellringer: Use a vocabulary word to describe your week or this upcoming weekend! You have until 1:55 to review vocab words & organize your journals/binders. At 1:55, the journals need to be INSIDE your binder and ON MY DESK. You need to be in your desk (cleared off except a pencil) and ready to take your quiz!
Agenda Warm up: Journal Turn in journals/binders & vocab quiz 10 min Finish last two stations Exit ticket
Station overview: Station 1: Utopia vs. Dystopia creative writing Station 2: Ray Bradbury Station 3: Censorship & propaganda Station 4: Technological advances
Exit ticket: Of the four stations, which one has made you the most excited to begin Fahrenheit 451 this Sunday? Is there any theme that you found particularly interesting—why? To review: technology advances, utopia vs. dystopia, censorship, the author…