What do we want our school community to be like at Carr Hill? Polite and friendly Caring and compassionate Support each other Focused on progress Respectful Celebrating success Aiming high Everyone is proud to belong We can only achieve this if we all work together
Role models Very soon, you will be the oldest students in our school We want you to understand that you all have a responsibility to show younger students how to behave – you set the tone. We want you to lead a culture in which good behaviour, academic success and personal responsibility are valued.
Take it a step further – work with us as a prefect We will have a Head Girl and Head Boy as well as deputies, Year 7 prefects, literacy and numeracy prefects and general prefects who will help to challenge poor behaviour at break time and lunchtime. You will be the first port of call for helping out at events at school. You will need to act sensibly and be responsible as the very best role models for other students.
Different roles Head Girl, Head Boy and deputies – You will be ambassadors at school events and will play a leading role in the School Council. You will also oversee the prefect duty system. Behaviour prefects – you will play a crucial role in helping to ensure the sensible behaviour of students around school during break and lunchtimes and at lesson changeovers Year 7 prefects – you will work with new Year 7 mentor groups to help them to settle in. Some of you will also work with new students to help with literacy and numeracy.
What’s in it for you? Exclusive use of the Allen Wood Studio at break and lunchtimes when not on duty. Development of employability skills and evidence of your team spirit and leadership skills for college applications, job interviews etc. Satisfaction of knowing that you are playing a crucial role in driving our school forward.
What we expect You always conduct yourself in a sensible and polite manner in school and in our local community. You make yourself available for school events, such as Open Evening. You complete one break duty and one lunch time duty each week. You look after the Allen Wood Studio. You challenge poor behaviour around school.
How to apply Complete an application form and submit to Mrs Beesley by 12pm on Friday 15th February.
Proud to belong, proud to be a prefect.