Unit 3: Just the Facts Man Week 2
Essential Questions How does the author structure information within a text? How does the text structure affect the information presented? Why is it helpful to know the structure of the text before you begin reading?
Vocabulary text structure- How the writer organizes the content in texts. Such as; chronological, cause and effect, compare and contrast, description, and problem and solution
Launching the Thinking It is your birthday and your mom takes you to the movies to see the newest 3D Pixar movie Monsters University (or another Disney/Pixar Movie). Your sister doesn’t get to go with you because it was your birthday present. When you get home she asks you to tell her all about the movie. You don’t want to retell the whole movie however; you want to tell her the most important parts.
What Would You Say? What would you tell your sister? What are the main points of the movie? What would your summary sound like? Take the 10 minutes to record your response in your reading section of your notebook.