Beam Tests data vs Matlab simulations


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Presentation transcript:

Beam Tests data vs Matlab simulations Andrew Kobach Jean-Francois Genat July 22d 2008

Events 500 evts, 2 channels MCP3 MCP4 50 ps sampling std noise: 1.1mV, .48mV average pulse height: 27.4mV, 24mV Signal/noise= 25 49 MCP 3 MCP4 Expected PEs: [27.4mV / 50 Ohms] x 1ns / [1.6e-19 x 1e5] = 34 MCP3 24 = 30 MCP4

Maximum measured pulse height distribution MCP 3

Maximum measured pulse height distribution MCP 4

Typical signal measured (MCP3) simulated

Typical signal measured (MCP4) simulated

Simulated spectra (MCP3) Green MCP Red Shot noise Blue Electronics noise Black All

Results MCP3 stda = 2.8% stdt= 6.3ps Amplitude 2.8% Time 6.3ps

Results MCP4 stda = 1.1% stdt= 1.3ps Amplitude 1.1% Time 1.3ps