A Manual for Index of Services Production 26 June 2007 Eun-Pyo HONG OECD/STES
Background In 2002 STESWP meeting, participants asked to prepare: - A practical guidelines to compile ISP for official statisticians, where - ISP is useful for short-term economic analysis and for quarterly GDP compilation Task force was represented by 13 MCs at the beginning but reduced in the end.
Contents Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Infrastructure (Statistical Units, Classification, Services industry) Section 3: Terminologies for ISP (Services, ISP, etc.) Section 4: Sources and methods (Recommended variables and deflators, etc.) Section 5: Index Compilation (Index, transformation, consolidation, compilation procedure) Section 6: Presentation and Dissemination Annexes (Deflators; Recommended variables, deflators and sources)
Comments from CSTAT Members 21 agencies provide comments on ISP (19 MC and NMC; and 2 international organisations): - AUS, AUT, CAN, CZK, DEN, FRA, GER, GRE, JAP, MEX, NOR, NZL, POL, SVK, SWE, CHE, USA; CHL and SLV; - ILO, Eurostat. All agencies except France (abstention) support ISP manual and compilation ** Most MSs have provided comments for previous versions
Tentative schedule from 2007 Early 2007: reflected CSTAT comments May 2007: electronic version on internet (English) http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/9/55/37799074.pdf 2nd half 2007: paper version (English) 2008: French version may be available
Further work (after 2007) Revision for new classifications Collection of more practices from MCs Enhancement of Annex 2 Promotion of use of the manual by NSOs