Embedded approaches to numeracy teaching
Outcomes Review your own views about mathematics Identify principles of good practice in mathematics teaching and learning Outline the requirements of the task for the minimum core Signpost to resources on embedding and functional skills
Your Experience of Mathematics In your group… Consider your experience of learning and using mathematics in school and continuing through your further education, training and work experience. Identify a learning experience that was… good – and state why it was good bad – and state why it was bad.
Transmission to Connected
Learning Maths is… What do you think about this? Do you use discussion and collaboration in teaching your specialist subject?
Teaching elements of maths
What does this approach look like? Intro to Maths in Context http://migrationstaging.bdpmedia.com/tlp/xcurricula/lmic/abouttheseresou/promovideo/index.html
Your Context Compose a Spidergram that describes when learners use maths/numeracy on your courses. Note: The topic from your curriculum The maths needed
Approaches Research has shown approaches that promote…. activity learning discussion and explanation of ideas creating and solving each other’s questions collaborative working... … all improve maths learning.
Eight Principles (Swan 2006) 1. Build on the knowledge learners bring to sessions 2. Expose and discuss common misconceptions 3. Develop effective questioning 4. Use cooperative small group work 5. Emphasise methods rather than answers 6. Use rich collaborative tasks 7. Create connections between mathematical topics 8. Use technology in appropriate ways
Your Task As a group… Analyse the mathematical demands of a particular subject area Produce at least one activity, with teaching notes, to develop numeracy skills relevant to this subject area (Produce a reflective account of the process(es) involved in embedding LLN within your particular subject area – this is needed for your CPPD module)
Examples Theatre Studies http://tlp.excellencegateway.org.uk/tlp/xcurricula/lmic/themes/challenges/thinkingaboutma/index.html Childcare http://tlp.excellencegateway.org.uk/tlp/xcurricula/lmic/themes/challenges/introducingmath/index.html Electrical http://tlp.excellencegateway.org.uk/tlp/xcurricula/lmic/themes/reflection/title1achieveme/index.html
Resources See Moodle for lots of materials/activities you could adapt. Also… Functional Skills http://www.qcda.gov.uk/6062.aspx Embedded Learning Materials http://rwp.qia.oxi.net/embeddedlearning/ Skillswise http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/numbers/wholenumbers/
Acknowledgement This resource has been produced as a result of a grant awarded by LSIS. The grant was made available through the Skills for Life Support Programme in 2010. The resource has been developed by managers and practitioners. The contents should not be compared with commercially produced resources, although in many cases it may have comparable or better learning outcomes.