Lake Wilderness Elementary School Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Dunham First Grade Lake Wilderness Elementary School 2016-2017 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Code of Cooperation/Behavior School Wide Behavior Plan I am Safe I am Respectful I am Responsible I am a Learner I am a Wildcat! Student Behavior Chart/ Weekly News
Reading: Centers The students are divided into homogeneous groups for about five to six weeks to receive specialized instruction at their reading level. I assess the children and regroup them as necessary throughout the year. Netbooks- RAZ-Kids and Starfall Independent Reading Guided Reading Whole Group reading lessons Literacy Centers Read at home books… read and return each night
Writing Workshop Writing meetings: Lessons and modeling of skills Sharing: Celebrating work Conferencing: Setting goals to improve skills Writers Celebrations: End of Units Keep “favorites” send home others
Math Whole Group Lessons: Math expressions Homework Packets Daily Routine: Working with numbers and math words Problem Solvers: Word problems and Habits of Mind Rubric Scores: 3, 2, 1, 0 Math Fluency: Timed tests: addition/ subtraction 90 seconds- beginning in October Pass= 90% or better (Can miss two)
Integrated/Science Units Communities Sky Patterns Light and Sound Plant and Animal Parts
Second Step Skills for social and academic success Skills for Learning Empathy Emotions Problem Solving
Homework Math Packets- one page, correlating to the in classwork sheet sent home Usually every night or every other night Look in the Friday newsletter for weekly homework assignments Read At Home Books Nightly Second Step Home link Occasionally Sight Words (Coming soon!) Email me for a new list once your child has mastered the old list