Subteam: Bayesian Statistics and Adaptive Design in MAPPs Chairs: Bob Campbell, TBD, Zoran Antonijevic Subteam Objectives Establish and promote the role for Bayesian statistics and Adaptive Design as key drivers of Medicine Adaptive Pathways to Patients (MAPPs) Leadership/Participants Co-Leaders: MAPPs expert: Bob Campbell BSWG: TBD ADSWG: Zoran Antonijevic Members: Subteam Deliverables Plan Write a review/perspective/white paper on how adaptive design and Bayesian approaches can help address obstacles to MAPPs implementation across the life-cycle of a medicine Network with other institutions/initiatives involved with MAPPs Engage with regulators worldwide Engage with payers Engage with our industry colleagues already involved with the initiative Resource Needs: Notes / Issues Members to be recruited. Some outputs from already existing initiatives may be utilized. Meeting Schedule TBD DIA: Adaptive Design Scientific Working Group