2. Solar Neutrinos 2.1 Super-K Achim Stahl, September 2017 Achim Stahl – RWTH Aachen University – JARA-FAME
Event Display Lightyield: 6 p.e. / MeV Achim Stahl, September 2017
Fiducial Volume fiducial volume: 22.5 kt fiducial volume cut Background rate from the surrounding rock / PMT / steel structure … Achim Stahl, September 2017
Event Selection Achim Stahl, September 2017
Day-Night Effect Achim Stahl, September 2017
Yearly Flux Achim Stahl, September 2017
Neutrino-Image of Sun Achim Stahl, September 2017
2. Solar Neutrinos 2.2 SNO Achim Stahl, September 2017 Achim Stahl – RWTH Aachen University – JARA-FAME
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory 1000 t of 𝐷 2 𝑂, 6 m radius normal water for shielding 9600 PMTs Achim Stahl, September 2017
Detection Principle Phase !: pure 𝐷 2 𝑂 Phase II: NaCl for n capture Phase III: ionisation chambers for n detection Achim Stahl, September 2017
Result Achim Stahl, September 2017
Results Achim Stahl, September 2017
Nobel Prizes 2015 2002 Kamiokande Super-K SNO Raymond Davis jr. Masatoshi Koshiba Takaaki Kajita Arthur B. McDonald “for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos” "for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass" Achim Stahl, September 2017
2. Solar Neutrinos 2.3 Borexino Achim Stahl, Octobber 2018 Achim Stahl – RWTH Aachen University – JARA-FAME
BOREXINO Experiment Real-time detection of solar neutrinos Liquid scintillator: 278 t
BOREXINO Experiment Real-time detection of solar neutrinos
Borexino Spectrum Achim Stahl, October 2018
Borexino Fit Achim Stahl, October 2018
Result: All Achim Stahl, October 2018