Heliophysics Educator Ambassador Program (HEA) Reunion Workshop The THEMIS-ARTEMIS Education Program collaborated with several other NASA missions to present a 2-day Heliophysics Educator Ambassador reunion workshop in Chicago, IL on July 16-17, 2012. 26 middle-school teachers deepened their content knowledge, got updates on NASA Heliophysics missions and science results, and reflected on the impact the HEA program has had on them personally and professionally. THEMIS and ARTEMIS were highlighted on the 2nd day of the workshop. Teachers participated in hands-on classroom activities developed by THEMIS and were given a presentation on the THEMIS and ARTEMIS missions.
Heliophysics Educator Ambassador Program (HEA) During the 2012-13 school year, participants will plan and facilitate professional development sessions for other middle school science teachers in their home districts, states, or regions using lessons developed by NASA and other educational partners. THEMIS-ARTEMIS E/PO personnel co-led a session about the HEA program at the joint Heliophysics-Planetary Science NASA SMD E/PO Retreat, held in Santa Fe from May 16-18, 2012 The Sun-Times Newsletter continues to be emailed weekly to HEA Teachers. Below are some quotes from teachers giving feedback about the newsletter: “The video suggestions you sent in our newsletter this week are outstanding! Thank you for passing those along.” (Alyce E. Dalzell) “Thanks you for the newsletter – I always look forward to them. Keep it up! News gathered for us is very welcome in busy teaching day.” (Ray Benson Atmautlauk & Metlakatla, Alaska) “Very cool, and thanks for sharing!” (Graham DeVey) “Thank you for keeping us posted. You are sending us wonderful information.” (Molly Nipper) Movie showing the heliosphysics missions from near Earth orbit out to the orbit of the Moon: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a003900/a003969/ Continue to support HEA program through stipends for teachers