Election Campaign Examples
Pcs Philosophy Now is not the time for instability, or for reckless, opportunistic experiments. The global economy remains fragile, and Canadians remain concerned about their jobs and their children’s future. Stephen Harper has a plan to meet these challenges — a plan that is working — and we need to stay the course.
Liberals Philosophy The Liberal Party of Canada is committed to the view that the dignity of each individual man and woman is the cardinal principle of democratic society and the primary purpose of all political organization and activity in such a society. The membership of the Liberal Party of Canada remains dedicated to the principles that have historically sustained and differentiated the Liberal Party of Canada from other political parties.
NDP New Democrats today lead the charge in Canadian politics for innovating and prospering in a new energy economy, building a clean and sustainable Canada, investing in a Canada where no one is left behind, redefining Canada’s place in the world as a voice for peace, governing in an inclusive and fair Canada, and strengthening human rights. New Democrats’ strong advocacy for progressive policies and actions on the Canadian federal scene has been credited for many of the cherished programs and policies the federal government has adopted, including the establishment of Canada’s universal healthcare system.
Click here for a list of different slogans
Slander Ads Pc’s Healthcare Plan