Four Man Carry North Pole High School North Pole, Alaska Mr. Richard Henert AnnaBeth Daley, Tyler Nicholson, Ian Fernandez, Sydney Yalch-Butler,Jordan Havens, and Annabelle Parker
Thesis After a hunt, men must have to ability to carry their kill back to their village. Also, they must have the ability to carry large loads of firewood long distances. This game reflects these necessary skills. These skills are found in many different Alaska Native cultures.
Background Rules: Athletes lift and carry four men that weigh an average of 150 lbs. Those being carried are to hold on to the neck so that their weight is bared on the shoulders. No straps are allowed.One man hangs in front, one in back, and one on each side. Whoever carries the four men the farthest wins. Strategies/Training: Strength Training is essential to be successful in this game. One gold medal winner in this even said he trained by lifting heavy freight like medical equipment and couches. (Lee) Record: (OPEN) Homer Lord WEIO
Video dID=Four_Man_Carry_08
Conclusion The four man carry is a strength-oriented game in the World Eskimo Indian Olympics. It represents bringing back food from a long hunt. This skill can be found in almost all parts of Alaska.
Bibliography "World Eskimo-Indian Olympics." World Eskimo-Indian Olympics. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr FairbanksMike. Four Man Carry FairbanksMike, Fairbanks. Flickr. Web. 22 Apr "Alaska Native Games." Alaska Native Games. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr < Lee, Jeannette. "Indian Country." Native Olympics rooted in skills of Arctic survival. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr < menu-76/1016-native-olympics-rooted-in-skills-of-arctic-survival>. Martin, Danny. "50th anniversary WEIO Games get under way." Fairbanks Daily News- Miner. N.p., 16 Jan Web. 25 Apr < anniversary-weio-games-get-under-way/article_01f39bc b64b- 9961a3700f82.html?mode=jqm>.