Lesson 8 Vocabulary words abscond aperture immolation impunity preclude Homophones cite sight site Root words mega jus/jur/jud
abscond (verb) to go away suddenly and secretly The children absconded to the treehouse with the candy. noun verb adjective adverb absconder abscond --
aperture (noun) an opening, such as a hole or a gap The aperture to the treehouse was not large enough for adults to enter. noun verb adjective adverb aperture -- apertural
immolation (noun) death or destruction Not a candy bar survived; it was a complete chocolate immolation. noun verb adjective adverb immolation immolate --
impunity (noun) freedom from penalty The only one granted impunity was the youngest cousin, who was sleeping during the incident. noun verb adjective adverb impunity --
preclude (verb) to make impossible, especially by taking action in advance The parents learned to lock up the candy to preclude it from being stolen. noun verb adjective adverb preclusion preclude preclusive preclusively
Cite (verb) to use and give credit to the source used to support or prove an idea I remembered to cite my sources. Paulo cited his favorite song in his speech.
sight (noun) to view with the eyes; something worth seeing The school nurse checks to see how clear my sight is. We saw the sights while we were in Dallas.
site (noun) the position or location of a person, place, or thing That was the site of the terrible accident. We went to visit the gravesite while we were visiting Iowa.
mega very large, excellent I plan to win the Mega Millions lotto.
jus/jur/jud right or law Justice is served!