≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ a-, an- ann-, -enn- endo- micro- arch- Root Definition Examples a-, an- not, without Atypical, anarchy ann-, -enn- year, yearly annual, millenium endo- inside endoscope, endoparasite micro- small microscope, microphone arch- ruler, chief anarchy, monarchy
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ pseudo- scope- auto- demo- fort- Root Definition Examples pseudo- false, fake pseudoscience scope- view, look at microscope auto- self automobile demo- people democracy fort- strong fortitude, fortress
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ ocul- photo- cav- cent- viv- Root Definition Examples ocul- eye ocular, binocular photo- light photograph cav- hollow cavern, concave cent- hundred percent, centennial viv- live, alive vivid, survive
literary, literal, illiterate ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples infra- under infrared ultra- above ultraviolet liter- letter literary, literal, illiterate soci- group social, society mir- wonder, amazement admire, mirror, miracle
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ -ist cyt(o)- dict- anti- chromo- Root Definition Examples -ist person who scientist, journalist cyt(o)- cell cytoplasm, leukocyte dict- say, speak dictate, contradict anti- against antibody, antibiotics chromo- color chromosome
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ mon(o)- sect-, seg- tele-, telo- centr- gen- Definition Examples mon(o)- one monarchy, monochromatic sect-, seg- cut section, segment, dissect tele-, telo- far, end telephone, telescope centr- center egocentric, central gen- produce, give birth genetics, generation
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ aqu- -duct- gon- nov- terr- Root Definition Examples aqu- water aqueduct, aquarium -duct- to lead aqueduct, conductor gon- side diagonal, octogon nov- new innovation, novel terr- land terrain, territory
chloroplast, chlorophyll ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples archae- ancient archaeology chloro- green chloroplast, chlorophyll form- shape deformity, formation myth- story mythology peri- around perimeter, periscope
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ ben- -fer homo- hetero- zyg- Root Definition Examples ben- good, well benefit, benign -fer to carry transfer homo- same homozygous, homogeneous hetero- different heterozygous, heterogeneous zyg- yolk heterozygous, zygote
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ pro- meta- ana- tel(e, o)- kine- Root Definition Examples pro- for, forward prophase, propulsion meta- above, beyond metaphase, metamorphosis ana- again, back anaphase, anatomy tel(e, o)- far, end telophase, telephone kine- movement cytokinesis, telekinesis
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ co- dent-, dont- or- pod- rhin- Root Definition Examples co- with, together cooperate, codominance dent-, dont- tooth dentist, orthodontist or- mouth oral, oration pod- foot pseudopod, tripod, podiatrist rhin- nose rhinoceros, rhinovirus
medieval, Mediterranean ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples medi- middle medieval, Mediterranean mal- bad, evil malicious, malignant ov- egg oval, ovary, ovum pater-, patr- father paternal, patriarch quart- fourth quartile
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ basi- cogn- dur- ign- mater-, matr- Root Definition Examples basi- at the bottom basic, basis cogn- know cognitive, recognize dur- hard durable, endure mater-, matr- mother maternal, matriarch ign- fire ignite, igneous
heterotroph, autotroph ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples troph- feed, grow heterotroph, autotroph spect- watch, look at spectator, spectacle urb- city urban, suburban rur- country rural loc- place local, location
agriculture, agribusiness ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples agri- field agriculture, agribusiness epi- upon epicenter mei- less meiosis semi- half semicircle, semifinal uni- one unicycle, union
tetrapod, tetragonal, Tetris ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples tetr- four tetrapod, tetragonal, Tetris ventr- belly ventral dors- back dorsal mort- death immortal, mortality myth- story mythology, mythical
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ ver- chrono- non- post- apt- Root Definition Examples ver- truth verify chrono- time chronology non- not nonsense, nontoxic apt- to fit, suitable adaptation, aptitude post- after postdate, postseason
philanthropist, bibliophile ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples phono- sound phonograph, telephone phil- love philanthropist, bibliophile -ist one who geologist, biologist luc- light lucid, translucent -osis condition, state psychosis, scoliosis
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ sci- fin- flat- proxim- sim- Root Definition Examples sci- to know science, omniscient fin- end finish, infinite flat- blow inflate, deflate, flatulence sim- to make like, copy similar, simile, simulation proxim- nearest proximity, approximate
volunteer, benevolent, Voldemort ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples pan- whole, all pandemic, Pangaea -oid resemble, like humanoid, spheroid -fid trust confide, infidel vol- wish, will volunteer, benevolent, Voldemort un- not undo, unreasonable
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ ali- -cit dynam- err- alt- Root Definition Examples ali- another alien, alias, alienate alt- high altitude, altimeter -cit to call, to start incite, recite, excite dynam- power, strength dynamic, dynamite err- to wander error, errant, erratic
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ domin- fall-, fals- flex-, -flect gam- equi- Definition Examples domin- master dominate, domain equi- equal equilateral, equilibrium fall-, fals- deceive falsify, fallacy flex-, -flect to bend reflex, reflect, deflect gam- marriage monogamy, polygamy
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ deb- mis- nutri- scal- mut- Root Definition Examples deb- owe debit, debt mut- change mutation, mute mis- wrong, bad, hate mislead, mishandle nutri- nourish nutrient, nutrition scal- ladder, stairs scale, escalator
platypus, platyhelminthes ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples tax- arrangement taxonomy, taxidermy glob- sphere global, globule mamm- breast mammal, mammogram chord- cord Chordata, harpsichord platy- flat, broad platypus, platyhelminthes
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ arthr- bac- cephalo- multi- -itis Root Definition Examples arthr- joint arthropod, arthritis -itis inflammation arthritis, appendicitis bac- rod-shaped bacteria cephalo- head cephalopod multi- many, much multicellular, multiple
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ botan- xeno- firm- pac- coll- Root Definition Examples botan- plant botanical, botany coll- neck collar xeno- foreign xenophobic, Xenopus firm- fix, settle confirm, infirmary pac- peace pacify, pact
macrophage, phagocytosis ≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ Root Definition Examples macro- big, large macrophage phago-, -phage to eat macrophage, phagocytosis lacto- milk lactose, lactate hemo- blood hemoglobin crypt- hidden cryptic, crypt
≈ Greek & Latin Roots ≈ pneu- caps- cline- corn- mim- Root Definition Examples pneu- air, lung pneumonia, pneumatic caps- box, case capsule, encapsulate cline- bed, lean incline, decline corn- horn unicorn, cornucopia mim- repeat mimic, mime