Hanze University of Applied Sciences TraCS3 Fostering Interregional Collaboration and Support for Innovation Infrastructure in S3 key priority areas through the Improvement of Regional Innovation Eco-systems Willem Foorthuis Hanze University of Applied Sciences 19 April 2018, Groningen
TraCS3 project Programme priority area 1 “Research and Innovation” Interreg Europe programme 3rd call Programme priority area 1 “Research and Innovation” Specific objective “Research and Innovation Infrastructure” Prepared by Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Lead Partner) Involving seven European countries/regions Addressing challenges how to improve the support for innovation infrastructure, its better employment and involvement into global innovation values chains
TraCS3 overall objective to improve regional policies in support of innovation infrastructure in S3 key priority sectors with strong innovation potential addressing the societal challenges and enhancing interregional cooperation within and between emerging and expanding innovation eco-systems Project duration: 5 years in two phases Project budget: more than 1,7 M Euro
TraCS3 sub-objectives To develop a shared vision on how to create favourable environment for supporting integration of innovation infrastructure into interregional value chains and knowledge networks To strengthen innovation capacities needed to develop research and innovation excellence in key priority S3 sectors with strong innovation potential To improve interregional cooperation through establishing/improving interregional financial instruments fostering this process To disseminate knowledge collected through the exchange of experience process to stakeholders across Europe and create synergies with other relevant initiatives and projects
TraCS3 partners: Hanze University of Applied Sciences, NL Province of West-Flanders, BE Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology MITA, LT University of Bremen, DE North-East Regional Development Agency, RO The Baltic Institute of Finland Business Innovation Center of Albacete, ES Hanze WF NE RDA BIC BIF iaw MITA
TraCS3 project approach Phase 1 duration 3 years (6 semesters) dedicated to the exchange of experience among project partners Action Plans must be prepared for each project partner region/country 51 project event of Exchange of experience 14 good practices identified 95 participants with increased capacities 7 policy instruments improved Scheduled back-to-back to project meetings every semester Phase 2 monitoring of Action Plans - duration 2 years (4 semesters)
TraCS3 next steps… Participation in Lead partners’ seminar in Sofia Contract with the Interreg Europe programme TraCS3 Partnership Agreement Establishing TraCS3 management and implementation bodies Kick off meeting in Groningen TraCS3 implementation continues…..