FHP in 3 easy steps. Fly your grant! Fly Staff! Communicate!
Agenda FHP Instructions, Organization and Functions FHP Cost Breakdown FRP Requirement Development Quarterly Grant Message FHP Execution / Management Special Interest Hours BOR Takeaways
References OPNAVINST 3000.15A COMPACFLT / COMUSFLTFORCOM 3501.3D Overall framework of FRP COMPACFLT / COMUSFLTFORCOM 3501.3D Fleet Training Continuum CNAP / CNAL INST 3510.11C Aircraft Readiness Standards for each TMS COMNAVAIRPACINST 7310.1 7B fund management plus BOR Format Now you can use 7B and 7F. Message Guidance FY FHP Guidance Messages (FHP Policy, Special Interest Hours, BOR) Each grant and augment message may contain guidance
CNAF FHP Functions Develop Flight Hour Requirement Meet GFM schedule and COCOM requirements for aviation assets. Participate in Congressional (POM) Budget development Formulate and provide FHP Budgetary Requirements throughout FYDP for annual POM budget development process Work directly with PACFLT, USFF, OPNAV and FMB Monitor Flight Hour execution Ensure adequate flight hour funding based on current and projected FRTP phase for each unit / CVW Ensure units execute their FHP grant and accurately translate execution to BOR and readiness Funding Priorities 1. Deployed Readiness 2. FRS / CNATRA 3. Homeguard Readiness
FHP Cost Breakdown Full FHP USN FHP FHP to support GFM $4.6B 63% $2.2B 30% $0.5B 7% Reserves USMC USN $2.2B 30% $0.5B 7% $0.7B 10% CNATRA FRS FO TACAIR / ASW FAS (CVW, VP, Exp Helo, Exp VAQ) $2.2B 30% TACAIR / ASW POM 15 Requirement Numbers *Little latitude ($) in FO, CNATRA, FRS, and FAS (VRC, TACAMO, VQ, VPU, HM) . . . CNAF’s discretion is limited to reductions in readiness While FHP is a $8.0B program . . . . . .Navy’s share is $4.6B . . . CNATRA / FRS cuts reduces readiness (e.g., T-Notch) FO largely fixed cost, “must pay” bills FAS supports theater demand Ship OPS Budget $5.1B Only small portion of FHP available to mitigate reduced funding impacts
Cost Per Hour (CPH) . . . for a typical Air Wing FA 45% FM 15% FF 39% Fuel (FF) 100% variable cost. Reduce flying, reduce cost. FW <1% 7B funds come from the FF category. 7F funds come from the FM category. Contracts (FW) 100% fixed cost. Labor contracted to sustain aircraft. Cost is not recoverable and is lost in year of execution. Consumables (FM) Items used to sustain or repair aircraft. Reduce flying, reduce most cost. Residual cost incurred as periodic maintenance is performed. Repairables / AVDLR (FA) Aircraft components that are repaired and returned to the supply system. Reduce flying, reduce costs. Residual cost incurred as periodic maintenance is performed. Average TMS CPH
FHP Requirement Development
FHP Requirement Development Readiness Standards (Hours) MAP CVW FRTP Squadron Readiness Standards (Hours)
FHP Requirement Development Fleet Response Training Plan MAP defines FRP phase. TYCOM assigns R+ month to align entitlements to FRP requirements. Squadron FRTP profiles are based on individual T/M/S T&R matrix requirements and readiness standards as determined by Type Wing Baseline FRTP funding T&R requirement according to R+ month assignment Support hour requirement fully captured and funded (MESH) Contingency & multi-national exercises not specifically funded Maintenance Basic Deployed
FHP Requirement Development Current Readiness Standards Defines crew numbers, PAA, hours per crew, MESH (Support hours), R+ Month funding requirements, etc. Hours/ are allocated based on planned crews & RBA as defined by TMS Readiness Matrix – not your actual bodies / airframes Hours for each TMS determined by Type Wing Hours defined by Matrix should enable squadron to achieve DRRS-N readiness levels based on FRTP phase HSC / HSM Expeditionary units receive quarterly updates via Type Wing due to frequent schedule changes If you know your R+ Month (defined by MAP) your TMS Readiness Matrix will tell you exactly how many hours you will be granted each quarter
Current Readiness Standards PAA: Primary Aircraft Authorization ESL: Equivalent Sortie Length THD: Minimum Safe Hours/Crew/month
Current Readiness Standards MESH= Mission Essential Support Hours Addition to hours required for readiness to support major at sea evolutions 90% flight average does not include MESH!!
How do I come up with the Hours? Quarter = R+8, R+9, R+10 Total Quarterly Grant = 758.6 hours
FHRM Export FHRM on CNAP SIPR SharePoint. Transit Hours given for EAST coast deployments T&R hours + MESH + Transit hours = Allocated total monthly hours
Quarterly Grant Message Message release timeline Approximately 3rd week of the quarter All hours must be flown in the quarter they are allocated. Roll over of hours not authorized 7B funds may roll over from quarter to quarter Could contain FHP notes
Quarterly Grant Change Message
FHP Execution / Management
FHP Execution Fly your grant!! Receive grant by the quarter. Over to you to manage hours and funds. Utilize FHP grant to ensure that training requirements are being met and accurately reported Visibility CNAP/CNAL reviews readiness and FHP execution for every squadron bi-monthly Mismanagement of Hours/Funds = increased visibility Be ready to justify under execution If your squadron is going to under execute more than 10%, contact the FHP office via FHP rep.
Special Interest (Staff hours) Reporting of special interest hours are mandatory in accordance with CNAP FHP policy messages. Type Wing and weapons school staffs do not get allocated quarterly hours, rather they use squadron hours to maintain proficiency. This requires squadrons to use their baseline hours required for readiness (under your type wing current readiness standards) to keep staff proficient. Reimbursement of those hours allows squadrons to ensure they have the hours and funding needed to always reach their readiness levels. CVW staff hours assist in execution of operational requirements (840 hours per FY) The CNAF FHP shops account for Special Interest hours when planning for flight hour funding during the POM cycles. This is done through historical numbers and requires the fleet to accurately report these hours in order for CNAF to justify to congress why we need the required money. Accurate reporting helps the entire NAE. Report all reimbursable / special interest hours on BOR EACH MONTH!!!!!
Special Interest Hours Reimbursable Staff Hours CVW staff hours assist in execution of operational requirements (840 hours per FY) WTI, WING Staff FHP requirements executed by fleet assets NAWDC hours are for NAWDC pilots that borrow fleet aircraft (weapons schools) Report all reimbursable / special interest hours on BOR EACH MONTH!!!!! WING STAFF CVW STAFF NAWDC (GTI, TOPGUN, etc.) WTI (Weapons school aviators) TAKE AWAY: WTI, STAFF hours don’t count against you, so FLY THEM. In fact, they can help you. In the example above, let’s say the squadron closes the quarter having only flown 950 hours by its own squadron personnel. This would show an under-execution, however, since they have also used their aircraft to fly 50 WTI and/or CVW Staff hours, the total execution against their FHP is 1000 hrs (or 100% execution). Additionally, OPNAV includes CVW staff and WTI hours in our budget each year so not flying Weapons Schools Instructors and / or CVW staff results in a program under-execution from the OPNAV perspective. STAFF Categories REPORT EACH MONTH!!
Special Interest Hours Count toward your squadron’s overall hour execution. Example: Squadron Q1 grant/allocation = 500 hrs Squadron = 450, Staff = 50 Total execution reported = 500 hours Hours become “reimbursable” only after 100% execution of the baseline grant has been obtained. Squadron = 500, Staff = 50 Total execution reported = 550 hours **Not required to over execute by the amount of Staff Hours you claim!!** **The option is there if you need it!!!**** TAKE AWAY: WTI, STAFF hours don’t count against you, so FLY THEM. In fact, they can help you. In the example above, let’s say the squadron closes the quarter having only flown 950 hours by its own squadron personnel. This would show an under-execution, however, since they have also used their aircraft to fly 50 WTI and/or CVW Staff hours, the total execution against their FHP is 1000 hrs (or 100% execution). Additionally, OPNAV includes CVW staff and WTI hours in our budget each year so not flying Weapons Schools Instructors and / or CVW staff results in a program under-execution from the OPNAV perspective. SHALL REPORT EACH MONTH!!
5th AOR or in support of = OCO OCO Process Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) used to fund hours flown over the baseline in support of 5th FLT Operations (“Cost of War”). CNAP funded squadrons will mid-quarter OCO hour augment Baseline and OCO hours are not mutually exclusive Execute total hours (baseline + OCO) like any “normal” quarter Accurate BOR data OEF-HOA: OP Enduring freedom – Horn of Africa OFS-T: OP Freedom’s Sentinel – Theater OIR-T: OP Inherent Resolve – Theater OCO = Overseas Contingency Operations (the new term for “Cost of War” or “Supplemental”) 5th AOR or in support of = OCO
Execution Goal
BOR Reports the following Due dates per FY guidance message Hours 7B Dollars (Fuel) 7F Dollars (Admin) Gallons Special Interest Hours Reimbursable Hours Remarks Due dates per FY guidance message COB of second working day of the following month
Accurate and timely BORs POC/LAST FIRST/RANK/UNIT:VXXXXX/NAME:NAS OCEANA/TEL:757-433-0000// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PARA 1.DEC/VXXXXX/60AE/57025/2009/OFC01/ (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) 7B 3,709,153.86 0.00 3,709,153.86 AMAH 12 169.8 793.0 7F 30,473.98 26.02 30,500.00 AMAH 0 0.0 0.0 TTL 3,739,627.84 26.02 3,739,653.86 AMAH 12 169.8 793.0 29. FUND CODE RECAP 7B 3,709,153.86 7F 30,473.98 30. TL 9/9 TL 10/9 TL 11/9 TL 12/9 630.69 910.77 2,819.23 0.00 7B TOTAL 539,822.27 544,182.96 31. FYTD OPTARS: 7B DOLLARS 7F DOLLARS FLT HOURS GRANT 2,190,765.00 30,500.00 720.00 BALANCE 102,093.00 26.02 -73.00 40. REIMBURSABLE/SPECIAL INTEREST HOURS: A. REIMBURSABLE SD WILD FIRE AMAJ 53.5 112.8 JATO AMAJ 6.0 9.8 FMS-AUSTRALIA AMAJ 7.9 8.6 B. SPECIAL INTEREST CVW STAFF AMAJ 17.0 19.3 WING STAFF AMAJ 11.3 40.8 WTI AMAJ 0.0 9.4 OIR-T AMAJ 13.6 135.3 NAWDC AMAJ 4.0 29.7 Report ALL hours flown in Month Reimbursable vs Special Interest Hours OCO HOURS Accurate and timely BORs
Communicate early and often!!!! How Do I Get More Hours? HOURS: WHY? Must be able to Justify your request Be specific on amount of hours requested Work through your WING FHP manager!!!!!! Flight hours do not transfer between commands! 7B: You will always get funds to fly your baseline FLY YOUR HOURS, NOT YOUR 7B 7F: Takes time, requires work on squadron’s part. Keep me in the Loop. Deal directly with Comptrollers. Communicate early and often!!!!
CNAP 7B Augment Request Form
CNAP 7F Augment Request Form
Communicate early and often!!!! FHP Takeaways Hours execution: THE primary goal is Hours, NOT 7B execution! You cannot over-fly your quarterly allotment without prior approval of CNAP both hours and 7B funds Coordinate early for all augment requests Execute to ~105% in support of your squadron T&R plus type wing staff and WTI. If your squadron is going to under execute (10%), contact the FHP office. FHP Policy changes. Ensure you are current/correct! Hours management: A strong OPS/MX team leads to proper management! Ensure have Readiness Standards and all FY Guidance messages Who is in charge of Hours/funding/BORs? Ensure accurate and timely BORs!! ** DO NOT REPORT A NEGATIVE BOR ** Good Comms with wing FHP manager Communicate early and often!!!!
LCDR Paul “Cheese” Case Questions ? LCDR Paul “Cheese” Case (619) 545-4336 / DSN 735-4336