Yoshiyuki Obuchi NAOJ / Mechanical Engineering shop Dec. 29th 2016 Modal analysis report - Payload assembly frame Yoshiyuki Obuchi NAOJ / Mechanical Engineering shop Dec. 29th 2016
Motivation To determine if the payload assembly frame is stiff enough to hold the WAB suspension, natural frequencies of the frame was calculated and some stiffening options were explored to meet the 100Hz of requirement.
Analysis model Total of four cases were calculated. Case1 Bare model WAB suspension dummy mass 3kg stiffener Case1 Bare model Case2 Partially reinforced Case3 Fully reinforced X Y Z Case4 Anchored
Analysis conditions -Contact condition all mating surfaces are bonded fixed -Contact condition all mating surfaces are bonded -Load condition no load -Constraint condition four interface points are fixed in six DOF
Results Natural frequency and mode shape Mode No. Case1 Case2 Case3 1st 24 / Global 37 / Global 59 / Global 64 / Local 2nd 26 / Global 40 / Global 84 / Local 3rd 44 / Global 78 / Global 88 / Local 4th 68 / Global 87 / Local 5th 80 / Global 107 / Global 122 / Local 6th 119 / Global 100 / Global See backup slides for detail.
Summary Payload assembly frame was not stiff enough to hold the WAB suspension. X shaped stiffeners worked nicely but the 1st mode frequency is still way below 100Hz of requirement. In Case4, adding anchor to the basement greatly helped to improve the frequency. Local vibration modes below 100Hz can be eliminated with minor modification. We may also need to discuss if we can put such a stiffeners while maintaining an accessibility to the payload.
Backup (Case1) 1st 24Hz 2nd 26Hz 3rd 44Hz 4th 68Hz 5th 80Hz 6th 119Hz
Backup (Case2) 1st 37Hz 2nd 40Hz 3rd 78Hz 4th 87Hz 5th 88Hz 6th 100Hz
Backup (Case3) 1st 59Hz 2nd 64Hz 3rd 88Hz 4th 88Hz 5th 107Hz
Backup (Case4) 1st 64Hz 2nd 84Hz 3rd 88Hz 4th 88Hz 5th 122Hz