SURVEY RESEARCH (re: Zikmund, Chapter 7)
Survey Research A method of collecting primary data by communicating with a representative sample of people
Survey Research Design • The way the environment is controlled or organized • Environmental variables to control When the survey is given How the survey is given ▫ The sample size ▫ Number of groups • The more environmental control, the more accurate the results will be
What questions do you have? Selecting a survey research design should be based on the survey question(s) you are trying to answer
Based on simple idea: “”… the best way to find out what consumers think is to ask them.” Zikmund
Properly conducted Surveys can be: Quick Inexpensive Efficient Accurate Flexible
Problems with Surveys come from: Nonresponse error Response bias Administrative error
NonResponse Error The difference between a survey that includes only respondents and a perfect survey that also includes nonrespondents
Response Bias Where respondents answer survey questions with a bias that misrepresents truth
Administrative Error - data processing error - sample selection error - interviewer error - interviewer cheating
Types of Sampling: Personal Interviews Intercepts Telephone interviews Self administered questions Mail questionnaires Email
Class Exercise Zikmund, page 175,question 6 Discuss and answer in outline