The difference between civil and criminal cases Objective 5.10 The difference between civil and criminal cases
The court settles a disagreement between two parties civil case The court settles a disagreement between two parties
civil Your dog bit my leg.
civil I’m suing you. plaintiff
civil I did nothing wrong plaintiff
civil I’m not paying damages. defendant plaintiff
Defendant is liable for $5,000. civil Defendant is liable for $5,000. defendant plaintiff
civil $5,000 defendant plaintiff
Which court would have heard this case? General District Court because the lady sued for less than $15,000. Judge but no jury.
criminal case The court determines whether a person accused of breaking the law is guilty or not guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony
criminal He broke the law.
criminal He robbed a bank.
criminal prosecution defendant It was a felony. represents the government defendant
criminal GUILTY prosecution defendant
criminal of a felony. prosecution defendant
criminal Go to the state pen. prosecution defendant
Which court would have heard this case? Circuit Court because he was accused of a felony.
General District Court Which court would have heard this case if he had stolen $20 from a candy machine? General District Court
General District Court Which court would have heard this case if he had stolen $20 from a candy machine? General District Court