Modern Chinese History
1900--The Boxer Rebellion
1911--New Government
1916--Warlord Rule
Communism Takes Root
1934--Civil War Mao Zedong (Communists) Chiang Kai-shek Nationalists
1937-1945 The Anti-Japanese War
1949--Communist Control
1950--Agrarian Reform Law
1958--The Great Leap Forward
1966--Cultural Revolution Begins
1968--”Reeducation” and the Red Guards
1971--U.S. Embargo Relaxed
1972--Nixon visits
1976--End of an Era
1978--Deng Xiaoping emerges as leader
The Four Modernizations Agriculture (Contract Responsibility System) Industry (Township and Village Enterprises) Science Defense
1979--Open Door Policy with the U.S. U.S. officially recognized the People’s Republic of China.
1980--Family Planning
1984--Economic Decisions Decentralized
1985--Economic Reforms
1989--Tiananmen Square
1993--Rise of Jiang Zemin
1997--Deng Dies
1997--Economic Summit
2003--Hu Jintao elected President